RT @roseperson: @fivefifths "Blacks using n-word perpetuates its use by racists" is like vilifying rape victims for consensual sex.
RT @saladinahmed: My Uncle Ali was a Vietnam vet hit with with Agent Orange. He mocked Veteran's Day. He needed health care and job options & didn't get them.
RT @LANow: SIGALERT / 101 S at Silver Lake Bl: Pedestrian fatally struck, 2 lanes closed. Drive slammed from Santa Monica Bl https://twitter.com/LANow...
Fried, nutmeg-laced moon pie! @webinista @BitterSouth
RT @webinista: “These men here before you are sitting around telling the same lies their fathers told...30 yrs before.” http://bittersoutherner.com/meat-an... @BitterSouth
RT @saladinahmed: All the pageantry in the world won't mean shit until we stop sending men and women to kill and die just to make rich people richer.
RT @fivefifths: The trap is believing that racists are somehow genuine when they do that "I use it because Black people use it" thing. Why believe them?
RT @HuffPostBiz: Landmark 20-year study finds pesticides linked to depression in farmers http://modernfarmer.com/2014...
RT @NewBlackWoman: But…they continue to underfund or ignore programs veterans can benefit greatly from.
RT @NewBlackWoman: We got all these politicians and conservatives talmbout how much they are thankful or veterans.
RT @metroadlib: Look at this no-count, ever-pissing bastard. https://twitter.com/metroad...
RT @metroadlib: here's what adulthood has taught me: NEVER EVER respond to ANYTHING prefaced, "just curious..."
RT @michele_norris: Men pictured in my twitter header are black WWII vets who attempted to register to vote in Birmingham in 1946. All were turned away #history
RT @JamilahLemieux: Fact."@DiplomatEsq: America doesn't care about it's veterans, no amount of hashtags or tweets will change that.”
RT @shelnew19: Everything in FL is crazy "@WPTV: Owl terrorizes Florida neighborhood; 6 people attacked http://www.wptv.com/news... https://twitter.com/WPTV..."
RT @latimespast: Downtown L.A.'s Pershing Square, 1948: https://twitter.com/latimes...
RT @doloresonthedot: One of my students: "I rly like how you dress you don't look like the rest of the old people here at all" hrnjrjgunfogfg
RT @michele_norris: On Veterans Day also impt to remember veterans who could wear the uniform but could not vote https://twitter.com/michele...
RT @michele_norris: Men in this photo are black WWII vets in Bham who were all turned away when they tried to register to vote https://twitter.com/michele...
RT @AdamSerwer: Holy cow Sully has lost it h/t @morninggloria https://twitter.com/AdamSer...
RT @VanityFair: "The bar is so low that I'm a middle-age dad, and I'm considered a voice" @anildash http://www.vanityfair.com/online...
If I Twittered, he sounds like somebody I would follow. I love his delivery. - Brian Johns
RT @GreyTheTick: I think one thing Anita missed about gamer culture is that a HUGE portion of the audience treat it as some giant general knowledge quiz.
RT @michele_norris: One man is carrying a sign that says, bring your (military) discharge papers. They were still turned away https://twitter.com/michele...
RT @Jbrous14: Harriet Tubman was a soldier, y'all just pawns. #HappyVeteransDay
RT @sarahjeong: I keep a garden of men I've turned into stone for tweeting at me Sometimes the wind blows & you can hear them whisper "freeee speeeech"
RT @charles270: My exceptionally loud manager told someone to use their inside voice https://twitter.com/charles...
RT @saladinahmed: Breaking Bad was, on a certain level, profoundly conservative. @NotLikeFreddy
RT @saladinahmed: I mean, one could make an argument for 'The Wire.' But that's been off the air for years.
RT @saladinahmed: American TV drama is littered with shows full of right-wing or neoliberal assumptions, but are there any genuinely left-wing shows on US TV?
RT @_muellermueller: A bath tub cut out of a large single piece of Quartz Crystal: https://twitter.com/_muelle...
RT @elonjames: And I feel pretty disgusted that @piersmorgan who could give a rats ass about the Black community is getting his traffic on our backs today.
RT @profblmkelley: After a long career of studying questions of race in America, we should thank Piers for all of his insights. #thanksPiers