
Fwd: 微醺的情人节夜晚唱情歌。祝大家都幸福地爱和被爱着〜耶! (via
3月18日虾仁之家录音 1:10 打起手鼓唱起歌 7:30 野百合也有春天
美女儿 - 老巫
3月18日是一个什么日子呢 - 老巫
朋友聚会尔 - 虾大脸仁儿
110115 - Just like anything #1d1s
I play the fool of rhythm to speak of what is sane,I never think of singing to those who feel the same - ThenWang
110115 - Wounded Bird #1d1s
And in the end remember it's with you,you have to live - ThenWang
110103 - My Name Is Carnival #1d1s /the original Jackson C. Frank version
1 Day 1 Song - 20101231 - Long May You Run #1d1s /2010年结束,按照惯例的最后一首歌Long May You Run,算了一下,一年一共131首(Bert Jansch和Neil Young占了多数),完成了预计的三分之一多吧,下半年比较懒,只录了二十几首,so,明年要不要继续的事明年再说吧,cheers
新年快乐,疼王同学! - 老巫
不疼了,在树上呢。 - 硕少
1 Day 1 Song - 20101223 - In The Bleak Midwinter #1d1s /a Christmas carol
1 Day 1 Song - 20101220 - The Circle Game #1d1s
1 Day 1 Song - 20101217 - You Don't Wanna Know #1d1s /a song about how cold it is
It was colder than a witch's tit, colder than a polar bear's nose - ThenWang
cold - 老巫
1 Day 1 Song - 20101212 - The Stranger Song #1d1s
1 Day 1 Song - 20101212 - A Woman Like You #1d1s 又坑了好久,我都不好意思打日期了
1212 - R093r-
loop - ThenWang
1 Day 1 Song - 20101125 - River #1d1s
1 Day 1 Song - 20101117 - Love and War #1d1s
Fwd: 1 Day 1 Song - 20101115 - After The Gold Rush (via
下次我自己cc到电台吧 - ThenWang
好 - 老巫
好,我来开始。给大家献丑了,上个月发神经的时候录的,卡壳了n多次。Allen Ginsberg的代表作之一 America。
不错,就是声音有点小:) - K.D.
Lesson one :) - 骨古头坏死