Ian May

Skype: eyebeekimjac.
I'm watching
The way to do .it..
Bye Bye FriendFeed. It was good knowing you.
Why couldn't Facebook let FriendFeed live? The numbers may be down, but Facebook makes frigging millions, and a few bucks on server space for FriendFeed can't surely be a huge drain?
It was inevitable that once Facebook got their grubby paws on FriendFeed that it would eventually pull the plug. Heck, FriendFeed doesn't mine all your personal data, and serve you myriads of annoying brain dead advertising like Facebook does!
A summer sunset
NY Resolutions. 1. Productivity. 2. Thrift. 3. Listen. 4. Attitude. 5. Positivity. 6. Sobriety. 7. Eat better.
New Year Resolutions? I don't usually do it. It's a crock of crap really. But if you can't beat 'em join 'em?
Happy New Year to all my Friendfeed followers!
Sunset on the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge, Charleston, SC in 2006
Fall in my Street
Up at yuck o'clock. Can't stop taking. Only 3.5 hours sleep.
Bacon & Egg Cheeseburger - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Verney Junction. View from train for Buckingham. 19.3.60 - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Salad for a Summer Day