David J. Hinson

Husband, Father, EVP & CIO, Hockey Fan, Bon Vivant
Teenage Ennui. @ Cracker Barrel Old Country Store http://instagram.com/p...
Caught being brothers. @ Cracker Barrel Old Country Store http://instagram.com/p...
15 yo broke headphone jack off in MBP. Superglue option not working. No small tools in house. Trying to disable jack to hear sound. Help!
Trying to extract a broken mini audio jack from a MBP. Funny how Superglue sticks to everything but that which you want it to.
RT @SEE_EYE_OH: @jcycio @landryst @davidjhinson @S_dF It's with thanks to the ultimate networker @ValaAfshar for compiling & sharing. Happy Friday everyone
Spectacular moon over the Arkansas River. This shot does it zero justice. @ 430 River Bridge http://instagram.com/p...
RT @CIOonline: BrandPost: Office 365: It Takes a Plumber http://www.cio.com/article... @CIOonline
ITS plans for SwatNet improvements (@swarthmore, @haverfordedu) http://swarthmorephoenix.com/2014...
RT @MITSloanExecEd: "If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time." -Steve Jobs
RT @HaikuDeck: Want to see your Haiku Deck in our Gallery? Tweet us with the hashtag #hdgallery to submit your deck!
RT @ArkansasOnline: Ex-Treasurer Martha Shoffner to change plea in mail fraud case: http://www.arkansasonline.com/news... #ArkDG
It was great meeting you today, @ChadWilliamson! Next time, lunch is on me!
RT @carverc: "What are the Challenges of the Higher Ed CIO?" by @davidjhinson on @LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/pulse...
Aereo tells Boston employees it's shutting down November 12th http://www.engadget.com/2014... via @engadget
RT @MissDestructo: @itsmesahana marketers need to treat social as a way to talk to their potential customers instead of talking just at them. #kloutchat
RT @drsolis: Now You Can Use Haiku Deck Within SlideShare http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2014... #edtech
RT @Thedodgeretort: Q. 4 What companies can have the best IT cultures...best leaders? #CIOchat No one mentioned #Leadership ??!!
RT @efeatherston: @katweasle @dixonjp90 Too many clients I walk into have that perception, IT is the dept of no #ciochat
RT @katweasle: @dixonjp90 Yes IT needs to stop being the dept that tells the business what it cannot do #CIOchat
RT @Thedodgeretort: Q. 1 coming up on IT culture. #CIOchat
RT @wlassalle: Great chat about to start right now on #CIOchat
RT @Thedodgeretort: CIOs @mcdavis10 davis and @JoelHDobbs sound off of five words to describe best IT culture. #CIOchat on it in 6 min http://www.enterprisecioforum.com/en...
RT @punkrockHR: Work in HR? Check out The Master Class in HCM: Understanding the Human Capital Marketplace and its Future. http://events.hrexaminer.com/
RT @Thedodgeretort: What are 5 words to describe ideal IT culture? #CIOchat Thurs. 2-3 pm ET and our CIO Question for lengthier answers. http://www.enterprisecioforum.com/en...
RT @ucsantabarbara: Achieve UC targets high schools with populations where a college education is not an obvious choice. Read more: http://www.news.ucsb.edu/2014...
RT @rollinscollege: Welcome to campus for Family Weekend! Be sure to use #findyouranchor when you post your photos to fave social sites. http://ow.ly/i/7uiiR