David J. Hinson

Husband, Father, EVP & CIO, Hockey Fan, Bon Vivant
RT @ucsantabarbara: Achieve UC targets high schools with populations where a college education is not an obvious choice. Read more: http://www.news.ucsb.edu/2014...
RT @rollinscollege: Welcome to campus for Family Weekend! Be sure to use #findyouranchor when you post your photos to fave social sites. http://ow.ly/i/7uiiR
Drinking iced coffee I mistakenly ordered. Not hating it. But wishing I was hipper to ordering a damned black cup of coffee in Hillcrest.
Higher Ed Tech Talent: Get 'em, Keep 'em - If You Can http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Higher Ed Tech Talent: Get ‘em, Keep ‘em – If You Can - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
RT @gursteif: Are those the coolest ever or what? Thanks @EricTTung ! https://twitter.com/gurstei...
RT @cultofmac: CNN anchor denies using a Microsoft Surface as an iPad stand http://www.cultofmac.com/302214...
RT @RedefiningEdu: "What are the Challenges of the Higher Ed CIO?" by @davidjhinson on @LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/pulse...
RT @mathewi: Axel Springer says search traffic fell 40% and Google News traffic plunged by 80% after removal from index: https://t.co/xyrsaoxp3F
RT @noreaster: Ageism in Tech - Too Old to be a Startup Founder?: http://tech.co/ageism-... #40ishandproud
RT @MylesSuer: #CIOs that succeed on data know the business needs data when and where it needs it @stratandbiz @eyb @nflcio @coe62 @GlennLanteigne
Thanks for the great conversation - and kind words - @kentbrooks! @CasperCollege #CIO #CDO #SocMed #SocialMedia
Guitar tonight. Not looking forward to schlepping through rain - but saves me from watching election returns. So. OK. I'm there.
RT @theloop: How Apple Watch is killing wearable tech as a gift this Christmas - http://www.loopinsight.com/2014...
RT @innovateAR: The latest from the @ARInnovationHub..lots of updates and other goodies. #ARidea http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Kudos-a...
The engagement numbers are surprising - but I get as many views posting same article to @LinkedIn in 1 day, than I do on my blog in a month.
RT @andy_sellars: As @zittrain wrote over the summer, this thing on your FB feed today is astonishingly powerfu. http://www.newrepublic.com/article... https://twitter.com/andy_se...
Being a Social CIO at a Liberal Arts College - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
SlideShare Professional Journey Tool - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
One traditional undergraduate university to close - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Another Lesson Learned at the Feet of Apple - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Yosemite’s Handoff – Getting it Working - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Positioning Visitors with iBeacons - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Two-Factor Authentication – Just Do It - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Five Posts We Can Stop Writing Now - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
NASA releases printable 3D models of spacecraft, asteroids & planetary surfaces - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...