David J. Hinson

Husband, Father, EVP & CIO, Hockey Fan, Bon Vivant
KATV 2015 Raspberry Pi Bake-Off - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
My Christmas Popcorn Popper - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
John McCullough - Orion Walkthrough - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
John McCullough - Orion Exploration Timeline - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
John McCullough - Orion Potential Concerns - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Astronaut Lee Morin talks about radiation and #Orion - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
NASA’s Orion Spacecraft: 9 Facts – InformationWeek - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
To Be, or Not to Be Social: Is participating in social media good for your career? - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Inchoate Agency: Technology, and the Liberal Arts - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
At Liberal-Arts Colleges, Debate About Online Courses Is Really About Outsourcing – Wired Campus – Blogs – The Chronicle of Higher Education - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
Witness History: Orion Test Launch - http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014...
RT @verge: Square's Reader for chip cards is now available for pre-order http://www.theverge.com/2014... https://twitter.com/verge...
Higher Ed Tech Talent: Get 'em, Keep 'em - If You Can http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2014... #CIO #HR #EdTech #HigherEd
Raspberry Pi A+ How Much Power Does It Need?: http://raspi.tv/2014...
“The Five "P"s of Being a Successful #CIO” - A Haiku Deck by David J. Hinson. #setyourstoryfree https://www.haikudeck.com/the-fiv...
Nothing but new songs for me tonight at Tuesday Night Music Club. They'll get over it.