Daniel Schildt

Photographer living in Finland who is interested in wide variety of things.
Re: Linkblogging – Daniel Schildt – Interaction designer & photographer - http://autiomaa.org/post...
"Might be possible. First step forward was personal: moving my own emails from ‘traditional’ hosting environment to Google Apps. That allows me to use various forms of automated filters, together with much more powerful search interface. Cutting down the email overflow (by automation) gives more focus to actual conversations (and notifications). Even then, have been wondering of the rest. Writing notes has been way of collecting what I have found, but haven't yet found best possible way to transfer knowledge forward. For task management, I personally use Things for Mac http://culturedcode.com/things... but for work related things, mainly other tools. Many have found useful team chat tools (Slack, Flowdock, etc.) with built-in collaboration features. Wondering how to use those more effectively. Integrations between services are another thing. Have played with IFTTT, but since it has various limitations, haven't used it for work tasks. Zapier looks interesting too, but pricing model of..." - Daniel Schildt
Question of the day: “How do startups manage design process?” http://zurb.com/tavern
RT @lukew: Design guidelines for building on iOS: http://iosdesign.ivomynttinen.com/ ht/ @brian_lovin
RT @lukew: Usability testing doesn't measure if people will use a feature. It measures if they can.
RT @eugeneyk: @satyanadella @benbajarin Consumer software is actually getting pretty good. Enterprise software has been stuck in the 90s since, the 90s.
RT @JamieDMJ: Creating a password reminder just keeps getting more and more emotionally draining. https://twitter.com/JamieDM...
RT @WickedGood: Seen at my daughter's classroom. Simple enough that second graders can understand it. Adults not so much. https://twitter.com/WickedG...
RT @iamdevloper: Starting a basic website in 2014: 1. Install Node 2. Install Bower 3. Pick CSS framework 4. Pick responsive approach … 47. Write some HTML
RT @ddprrt: "What's bower?" "A package manager, install it with npm." "What's npm?" "A package manager, you can install it with brew" "What's brew?" ...
Base64 Image Encoder http://www.base64-image.de is useful little tool for converting image files to format that can be embedded to CSS files.
RT @suzannehballard: Apple’s HealthKit to mediate between wearables & patient portal/#EHR linking #selfquantification & clinical care http://venturebeat.com/2014...
RT @bobbygrace: If you want to ruin a designer’s day, send them this: http://leaverou.github.io/contras...
Would love to find some good tools for internal linkblogging, since team chat services are not suitable for having archive of content.
RT @MeredithFrost: Hedy Lamarr, born 100 years ago today, helped invent the tech behind the wireless internet http://gizmodo.com/5866310... https://twitter.com/Meredit...
South Park accurately sums up Freemium games https://t.co/19bsB3vQKn
RT @n7studios: Remote IE, almost natively, on Mac: http://ralphwhitbeck.com/2014...
RT @gzarazuadr: Protests in Mexico after 43 students were slaughtered by drug gangs & local authorities #meduelesMexico #solidarity http://www.aljazeera.com/news...
Telegram update enables people to choose a username on the service. If you do, people will be able to contact you without the phone number.
RT @joelgascoigne: 1/ Here's cohort chart of @buffer active users. Layer = signup month. Even 2 year old cohorts contribute 2k actives. https://twitter.com/joelgas...
RT @robinsloan: You are living in the future when the big fire across town is a Bitcoin mining operation: https://t.co/lQoTDm8Jaf https://twitter.com/robinsl...
RT @ServiceSphere: Soon everyone will display their health data like they are on life support. You won't know people you'll know their vitals.
RT @BenedictEvans: 'Our app needs to look consistent across all platforms' = our app looks wrong on every platform.
RT @jashkenas: Ever miss the good old days of web dev? Get excited guys. The true spirit of Internet Explorer LIVES ON! https://twitter.com/jashken...
RT @alphaefficiency: If you are into self quantification @ExistApp is your best bet. Get actionable data on your life's stats.
What are the best dashboard tools you personally use? Would like to visualise data from both web services… and personal productivity tools.
RT @cnagele: @mattwensing @autiomaa Another favorite: https://t.co/Z6CK1lARTF Our new office will have 2 - 3 person team rooms.
RT @mashable: After Russian troop move, tensions increase in Ukraine: http://mashable.com/2014... https://twitter.com/mashabl...
RT @kelvintow: 3 models on how design is shipped #FORMSF14 https://twitter.com/kelvint...