My 5-yo girl hides little stashes of toys all over the house. If she didn't look so much like me, I'd swear I was cuckolded by a squirrel.
Darryl Cunningham Investigates: Evolution -
I kept waiting for a mighty eagle to pluck the orange guy from the park, leaving the grey, camouflaged guy to reproduce. - Kevin Fox
Like a roc. ;-) - Keith Pelczarski
Taking my first seaplane trip. In the event of a water landing, everything's cool.
George Lucas Strikes Back {HD Trailer} -
RT @starrjulie: What Geeks can Learn from Gays | Molecular Matters | The precision and clarity of Latin -
"In today's excerpt - certain grammatical "rules" that are widely viewed as correct come from the invalid application of grammatical rules from Classical Latin and Greek to the English language by British authors writing hundreds of years ago. Though they have been routinely violated by writers from Shakespeare to Hemingway, two such "rules" are the prohibitions against split infinitives and ending a sentence with a preposition:" - Keith Pelczarski
Flogging Molly "Float" (best is High Quality) -
“@hodgman: I won't be satisfied until these are used for jousting.” Don't they have to fly first?
RT @stevewhitaker: I want @GeorgeTakei to host SNL. Let's make it happen. #TakeiOnSNL
Yes, UConn! Replaying A Magical Season - -
"Some will call this among the most improbable national championship runs in history. Others will call the Huskies' 53-41 victory over Butler the most aesthetically challenged championship game in history. Those ancillary details, those sour opinions, might matter in 49 states." - Keith Pelczarski
My dad, my son, and I are on our way to Reliant Stadium for the Final Four. Go #UCONN! Our sign is WINNING!
Going to the Final Four w/ my dad and my son. So fired up! We saw #UConn beat Kentucky in Maui. Hoping for a repeat. Go #Huskies!
AT&T acquiring T-Mobile for $39 billion, yet TV ads still run with the pink-dress girl dumping on AT&T's network. Funny & sad.
RT @flowingdata: Gallons of stuff that cost more than gasoline
They should have put printer ink on there. - Brian Johns
4-yo daughter: "DADDY, I'M NOT TIRED! I DON'T NEED A NAP!!!" 5 mins later: zzz... 2 hrs later: still sleeping.
Odyssey Dawn? Does the Pentagon know it took 10 years for Odysseus to return home? Cluelessness, or truth in advertising?
Some Perspective On The Japan Earthquake -
"Japan is exceptionally well-prepared to deal with natural disasters: it has spent more on the problem than any other nation, largely as a result of frequently experiencing them.  (Have you ever wondered why you use Japanese for “tsunamis” and “typhoons”?)  All levels of the government, from the Self Defense Forces to technical translators working at prefectural technology incubators in places you’ve never heard of, spend quite a bit of time writing and drilling on what to do in the event of a disaster." - Keith Pelczarski
Really well written local account. - Stephen Mack
Fraschilla's "Bold Prediction" - "Don't discount a sweet sixteen or an elite eight run..." Really? After 5 wins in 5 days? That's not bold.
Max wanted to tweet after UConn's Big East Tournament victory: "Kemba was a crazy dude, and magic." Stats:
Huge quakes in Japan (, with devastating Tsunamis. Still a danger in the Pacific. Hope folks find higher ground.
Still giddy over #Kemba's game-winner. Hell, still giddy over watching him in Maui. So clutch. U! C! O! N! N! Go #Huskies!
Stars - NASA Science -
"As shown in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, Main Sequence stars span a wide range of luminosities and colors, and can be classified according to those characteristics. The smallest stars, known as red dwarfs, may contain as little as 10% the mass of the Sun and emit only 0.01% as much energy, glowing feebly at temperatures between 3000-4000K. Despite their diminutive nature, red dwarfs are by far the most numerous stars in the Universe and have lifespans of tens of billions of years." - Keith Pelczarski | The Impostor Phenomenon -
""[A significant number of individuals who achieve at a a high level nevertheless] see themselves as frauds. Psychologists call this the impostor phenomenon. Those who are afflicted believe that their successes cannot be attributed to their own abilities. Instead they are convinced that other people's praise and recognition of their accomplishments are the result of charm, deception or simple good luck. Interestingly, such thoughts tend to surface in people whose lives have been an apparently uninterrupted string of successes." - Keith Pelczarski
I can't wait to live-tweet the #Oscars on Monday night!
David Gallo shows underwater astonishments | Video on -
4-yo girl likes pigs-in-a-blanket because they're "fancy." 7-yo boy likes them because he gets to say "cocktail wiener." A LOT.
Now it's time for bed, and you know what that means -- reading stories and falling asleep. I am such a playa.