Brent Logan

Engineer. Lawyer. WordPress geek. Bicycle commuter. Longboarder. Blood donor. Snapshooter extraordinaire.
How many times should you post links to a new blog post on Twitter/Facebook before it becomes spammy? -
In Blogging: Brent Logan voted up this answer. Randal L. Schwartz One.  Just one. See question on Quora - Brent Logan
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"Ronnie, that's a great idea, but it doesn't work out. There is no integer base n where 5<sub>10</sub> = 20<sub>n</sub>." - Brent Logan
6 Books I’d Recommend -
Road Trip Home From Fort Bragg -
Kayaking With Mousse On Sunset Lake -
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"jess2248, doing a quick run through the names, I'd guess we're not all guys. There are some gals in the group. :-) And yes, math is fun. Math is a language and a tool to understand how the world works, in so many ways. And even though I like math, it can still make my head hurt. ;-)" - Brent Logan
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"Norma Jean, because the question is "3=?" it seems to me that you're answering 6, not 0. Did I miss something?" - Brent Logan
Sunset at Sunset Beach, Part II -
Sunset at Sunset Beach -
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"Dimas, interesting pattern. I like how it doesn't worry about there not being a row starting with the number four. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain where the 56 comes from, while the n x (n-1) pattern does. Thanks for dropping by and writing a comment. :-)" - Brent Logan
Hobby Lobby Minefields -
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
""3=any number but 3" Ha! :-D I can see your logic, and frustratingly so, it works. The rest makes complete sense. Thanks for dropping by. ;-)" - Brent Logan
Biking Recap for June 2014 -
Re: God Bless the Whole World — No Exceptions -
"Hi, Joe! When I wrote the original article, I viewed the bumper sticker as a political statement, not a prayer. I saw it as a reaction to "God Bless America" stickers. Maybe it was; it doesn't matter. What matters is what people think it means when they slap it on their bumpers. From the response I got, the people who have this on their cars are *not* responding to a narrower view. The "no exceptions" phrase is *not* an implication that another, lesser view would ask for exceptions. I have learned. :-) Like you, I cringe when religion is pulled into a political setting. As Abraham Lincoln said (I now question any of his quotes on the Internet), “My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.” Thanks for dropping by." - Brent Logan
Re: We think our enemies are idiots… -
"The logician N. L. Wilson has argued that a critic who confronts an alien body of texts must apply the “principle of charity.” He or she must seek the interpretation, which “in light of what it knows of the facts, will maximise truth among the sentences of the corpus.” The linguist Donald Davidson maintains that “making sense of the utterance and behaviour of others, even their most aberrant behaviour, requires you to find a great deal of truth and reason in them.” Even though their beliefs may be very different from your own, “you have to assume that the alien is very much the same as you are,” otherwise you are in danger of denying their humanity. “Charity is forced upon us,” Davidson concludes. “Whether we like it or not, if we want to understand others, we must regard them as right in most matters.” --Karen Armgstrong" - Brent Logan
Re: My Five Labs Personality Analysis Using Facebook -
"Cher, although we are allegedly similar (you're a *lot* less neurotic and much more agreeable), we have only a 74% match. Bill might be an okay match for you as well, but I bet there's someone closer. Now that more of my Facebook friends have done this analysis, it turns out that Bill is no longer my closest match. One of my friends is an 88% match! I wonder if genetics has anything to do with that... ;-) (I updated the footnote, above.) <img src="" alt=""/> Footnotes enable me to write two posts at once. Those who don't read the footnotes get a short, readible (hopefully...) post, while I get to explain myself in more detail below. Everybody wins!" - Brent Logan
Re: Dixie Field -
"Thanks!" - Brent Logan
Multnomah Falls Stop -
Missing link - IFTTT -
RT @pdxcommute: From @HelenJung: Driver allegedly high on 'spice' crashes into Vancouver home, police say. // Apparently, I live on Arrakis. June 18, 2014 at 10:08AM - Brent Logan
One Does Not Simply Give Directions To NE Birchwood -
Retweeted By The Instapundit -