Brent Logan

Engineer. Lawyer. WordPress geek. Bicycle commuter. Longboarder. Blood donor. Snapshooter extraordinaire.
Firechat — A tool for the digital citizen -
Happy International Coffee Day -
The Fireside Marquee -
High Wind Pico Sailing -
Melissa’s First Day of School 2014 -
Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day -
Re: The Right Tools for the Job -
"Haha! It's nice to know I don't write my footnotes for nothing. :-D Hearts sounds like fun, but I prefer the face-to-face variety as opposed to virtual. We need to plan a visit one of these days so we can inspect your architectural and remodeling prowess. :-)" - Brent Logan
Re: A Geek&#039s Day -
"Yeah, in retrospect I'm not sure learning the Apple news live was any better than reading a summary later. I was following both The Verge and Apple's official "live blog." Apple's was clearly prepared in advance and just timed (though significantly later than The Verge's) to the event. I guess most interesting to me was Apple's complete indifference to those who haven't already bought into their ecosystem. They had live video of the event, but you could only watch it only on Apple hardware and software. The live blog had embedded videos, but they wouldn't play on my Windows 8 computer running Chrome. Oh well... I guess I'd have to admit I was more interested in the Intel event. That I was able to watch live. :-)" - Brent Logan
Re: Labor Day Kayaking -
"There are all sorts of ways to get out to the water. Kayaks are fun because they are so light and personal. You don't need any facilities to get them in the water. Ideally, just a path and a pair of wheels to balance the kayak on to roll it to the water. You don't need to be a swimmer, just not someone who panics in the water. We always wear a lifevest on the water. Some upper body strength is also good for getting back in the kayak should you ever tip (we never have, but you should plan on the eventuality)." - Brent Logan
Re: Jamison&#039s First Day of School 2014 -
"Thanks! Jamison enjoyed his first day. We're looking forward to a great year. :-)" - Brent Logan
"Thanks! I moved the orchids into a room where we just cleaned the carpets so it was empty. I tried shots with backlight, sidelight, and no direct light. I think I ended up including one of each in the gallery above. Orchids are a great subject because they tend to cantilever over nothing, making for fun compositions." - Brent Logan
Re: Fall is Still Coming -
"Thanks! I probably knew the name of your company many years ago, but if so, I had forgotten (until your better half reminded me on Facebook earlier today)." - Brent Logan
Re: Lunchtime Diversion, Part I -
"Thanks, Troy!" - Brent Logan
Re: Oneonta Gorge, Plus -
"Thanks, Sherwin! Oneonta Gorge is a beautiful spot, though not the safest hike. Leave you doggies and small kids at home. The log jam changes every year, and is massive. There is no way to avoid it, as it spans the width of the canyon. The adventurous can simplify the return trip by jumping into a pool. (I wasn't that adventurous.) Closer to the falls, the canyon narrows, and virtually forces a wade through about a 5 foot (1.5 m) deep pool. Although the water is chilly, it wasn't achingly cold, like the Pacific can be. Bringing a dry bag will decrease the risk to your camera, wallet, etc., but isn't necessary. I just emptied my pockets and held my wallet and phone over my head. The beautiful falls and pool at the end are your reward for the hike. Based on our recent trip, I would advise going on a weekday if the weather is warm. Parking, and the canyon itself, were crowded on a warm, northwest weekend day. If the weather isn't warm, I'm not sure I'd want to do the wade... Update. The..." - Brent Logan
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"Yet another pattern. I'm not thrilled how each row is not self-contained, but instead relies on the next. That makes the 8 in the first row maybe arbitrary, and definitely useless. It does sidestep (or maybe just ignore) the skipped 4. That might be a strength instead of a fault. Thanks for dropping by!" - Brent Logan
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"Patac, glad you found me, and glad I made your day. Fight the good fight! :-D" - Brent Logan
Re: Solve If You Are Genius -
"normdeploom (love that name!), I think this is the same pattern many have posted, but you've rearranged it slightly. Instead of saying 8 X 7 = 56 you say 56 / 8 = 7. What is different is how you interpret this pattern. For you, the important point seems to be that the number on the right decreases by one for each row. Thus the final row should be 9 / 3 = 3, with ? = 3 being your final (corrected) answer. Right? If so, you got the same answer as Jon, and for pretty much the same reason. Thanks for dropping by!" - Brent Logan
Re: The Sound of Summer -
"<img src="" alt="SOSBBCover" width="300" height="296" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-32138"/> Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of The Beach Boys is a compilation of 30 songs. Reading the titles, it doesn't look like the Beach Boys were inspired by sprinklers. Too bad... ;-)" - Brent Logan
Re: View from the Back of the Bus -
"Thanks! I love capturing moments so I can go back and relive them. It's surprising how often I'll go back and find something here to share with someone. The clouds were beautiful, though a little rough inside. <img src="" alt="flying in the clouds" width="480" height="270" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-32116"/>" - Brent Logan
Re: View from the Back of the Bus -
"Yeah, I love my phone for taking pictures. I captures a much wider dynamic range than my point and shoot. I just wish it had the same wide angle lens and the ability to attach a polarizing filter. I *do* like that my phone is small enough that I have it with me all the time." - Brent Logan
Re: Mendocino Weekend -
"Yeah, it was a good time. We were amazed that, even with how many were involved, we we able to keep it a secret. Don certainly pulled a few strings. And with their lives of services, my parents are certainly deserving of the honor." - Brent Logan
View from the Back of the Bus -
Folsom Lake in the Clouds -
Re: Offset Wires -
"You're probably right -- engineering changes in the field. Thanks for the compliment. Poles are cool. :-)" - Brent Logan
How many times should you post links to a new blog post on Twitter/Facebook before it becomes spammy? -
In Blogging: Brent Logan voted up this answer. Randal L. Schwartz One.  Just one. See question on Quora - Brent Logan