Re: Oneonta Gorge, Plus -
"Thanks, Sherwin! Oneonta Gorge is a beautiful spot, though not the safest hike. Leave you doggies and small kids at home. The log jam changes every year, and is massive. There is no way to avoid it, as it spans the width of the canyon. The adventurous can simplify the return trip by jumping into a pool. (I wasn't that adventurous.) Closer to the falls, the canyon narrows, and virtually forces a wade through about a 5 foot (1.5 m) deep pool. Although the water is chilly, it wasn't achingly cold, like the Pacific can be. Bringing a dry bag will decrease the risk to your camera, wallet, etc., but isn't necessary. I just emptied my pockets and held my wallet and phone over my head. The beautiful falls and pool at the end are your reward for the hike. Based on our recent trip, I would advise going on a weekday if the weather is warm. Parking, and the canyon itself, were crowded on a warm, northwest weekend day. If the weather isn't warm, I'm not sure I'd want to do the wade... Update. The..." - Brent Logan