baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"Slight correction: I'm not an actor. I mostly just "play" myself, but I'm not out there auditioning for character roles and such, so I'm less directly affected by casting decisions and stereotypes, for example. That said, there's one thing that comes right to mind. U.S. media culture still has this idea that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! when it comes to representing certain types of minorities in media. It's what I'll call The Highlander Model. So if there's a latina with a TV show, the industry historically has been like, "CHECK THE BOX!! LATINA SHOW IS COVERED. NEXT!" and it's harder for the second latina to get a shot. I'm actually seeing that change for at least two reasons. 1) more media fragmentation and media-making power. Basically, folks can make their own stories and distribute them (waves at Issa Rae / Awkward Black Girl) 2) Traditional industry perspective is shifting to reveal that "diversity" isn't just some charity case, but it's also really good business. Like, there's money..." - @baratunde
baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"crunchy. no contest. creamy peanut butter makes me sad. it's like we just took everything wonderful about peanut butter and beat it into submission. #occupyPeanutButter" - @baratunde
baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"million dollar question! really. give cultivated wit one million dollars, and we will answer your question. it's not a "comedy consultant company," no. It's a company that believes that combining the power of humor, especially with tech and design, can make the world a better and more fun place. The two ways we do this are a) helping orgs and companies tell stories, primarily through video/animation, that are THOUGHTFUL and FUN/NY. (e.g. to help recruit more STEM teachers) b) creating a platform (through Comedy Hack Day) to encourage new forms of creativity at that tech/comedy intersection. So far that's through our public events, but it's also something we offer inside an organization or on a theme (FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS ;)) Think about the Cultivated Wit formula as this. power of humor to tell the truth + power of design to empathize + power of technology to connect and amplify = Cultivated Wit's mission. this TEDxKC talk I did makes a..." - @baratunde
baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"I do NOT recommend "always being funny" because a) that's competition for the professionals ;) b) it's probably not genuine and c) it's like over-using a very powerful weapon. You shouldn't play an entire game using cheat codes the whole time! I also think there are soft ways of adding what you call "delight" without it having to feel like you're shoving jokes down people's throats. Hipmunk isn't LOL funny, but it's pretty delightful to sort your flight options by "agony." Even the way you bid a customer farewell can offer a chance to be real/kind/human. Super cheap way is to simply reference humor related to the topic at hand. One of the greatest highlights of working at The Onion was finding how many office places and other organizations cite Onion articles to relieve tension, including among deployed troops overseas. The tension relief humor can provide is valuable, and a "brand" doesn't have to start from zero. Someone's already done it most likely." - @baratunde
baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"I hadn't seen the monologue until just now, so thanks for bringing it up and sorry for the delay. Short version: everything in the human experience is available for comedic interpretation. Longer version: it depends on how you approach it, who the person is, what the context is. Specifically with Chris Rock, I haven't read any of the chatter about his monologue, but I laughed out loud, and thought he made a strong case while reminding us that it's a bit hypocritical (for example) to criticize a 9/11 joke while turning Jesus's birthday into the most commercial time ever. WHAT one is joking about makes a big difference. Who's the target of the joke? Is it 9//11 victims (shitty) or is it the overreaction of our security theatre apparatus (fair game)? There's no simple way to think of "joking about" a topic. The target. The presenter. The context. All those matter heavily." - @baratunde
baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"so glad you asked! Like children, I love all the hacks to come out of comedy hack day. But if I had to pick one (which every parent secretly does), it would be Truth For Humanity. It was so so funny in the room and still works at parties." - @baratunde
baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"Oh dang. also the free drinks!" - @baratunde
baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"That feeling of knowing you've connected with an audience, whether in the room or online or on a page, is really powerful. It's better when you know that those people don't know you at all. It's not like making your friends laugh. So yeah the best thing is that human connection that might not have been forged any other way, and though it may be fleeting, it's awesome." - @baratunde
baratunde on I wrote the first complete history of Star Wars as an independent franchise. AMA! -
"Haven't read the book yet (just found out from here!) but what have you learned about the conscious role has race has played in the creation of the Star Wars franchise?" - @baratunde
The Rockefeller family, which made its fortune from oil, is to sell its investments in fossil fuels and put money into clean energy -
Left Brooklyn only to party in LA with Jay Z. #halloween #BK #silverlake -
This family could use one more Prius. #LA #NYerinLA -
Regram from @cherylcontee capturing me at @motherjones dinner #working #suit #beard -
I'm emceeing the @motherjones annual dinner in SF tonight. Love this pub -
What Google thinks I need to know about necklaces. We should bring the word "squares" back as a diss. -
Hey Comcast, shut up. NOBODY LIKES YOU!! -
I got new glasses!!!! @garrettleight I CAN SEE AGAIN! -
I'm playing with the new Facebook #Rooms app. I set up a #HowToBeBlack room. Let's see where this goes. To join this chat room, take a screenshot of this post then install the app at I have no idea if this will be interesting -
Since tonight's episode of @takepartlive was all about disasters, I told the producers we needed to end on a positive note and suggested they bring out kittens. So they did. So this happened. -
My first #selfie with a senator. Tonight on @takepartlive we had @senjohnmccain on. I got to ask him about the outsized wealth of our members of congress, plus intervening overseas by using rebel groups. I don't agree with lots of his positions, but that -
#RIP Ben Bradlee. My 1st paid gig in media was at Washington Post in high school. I was a copy aide, answering phones, delivering internal memos, and abusing my access to the broadsheet-sized photocopiers to make political protest signs. I cited Watergate -
Rockin these @garrettleight frames in #venice. #LAdonechangedme #angelinotunde h/t @faithblakeney -
For the second time in the past few weeks my @United flight has had EVERY screen preset to NewsmaxTV, a right wing media outlet. Seems a strange business choice to promote such partisan point of view, and I would be as shocked with MSNBC. United, enough w -
MAJOR NEWS: I'm joining @takepartlive as permanent co-host with @meghanmccain and @jacobsoboroff. It's in the trades! Full name and everything. Tune in to Pivot TV on cable or via online #press #LA #tv #news #omfg -
I get that Mayor "I Eat Pizza w Fork & Knife" has an Everyman image to uphold, but don't hate on the High Line deBlasio! I will fight you. I may need some platform shoes but I will fight you. In fact, you stand down there on the street, and I'll stand on -
In the department of #DUH, Secret Service chief better resign. You have ONE job. And instead we got people shooting at the White House, riding elevators while armed with POTUS, and jumping fences / running around the White House with knives and whatnot. H -
Cookie plate got raided. Goo everywhere. Warning: this image is quite graphic. -
Tonight I spotted that rarest of NYC features: an alley. This city has so few of these, I'm always a bit excited to stumble across one. #nyc #design #alley -
Met Atlanta councilman @kwanzahall yesterday. First thing he says to me, "How can I help?" I don't spend much time in ATL, but I've seen a lot of cities in my travels, and I hope this city in particular is able to build bridges across communities and lift -