baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"million dollar question! really. give cultivated wit one million dollars, and we will answer your question. it's not a "comedy consultant company," no. It's a company that believes that combining the power of humor, especially with tech and design, can make the world a better and more fun place. The two ways we do this are a) helping orgs and companies tell stories, primarily through video/animation, that are THOUGHTFUL and FUN/NY. (e.g. to help recruit more STEM teachers) b) creating a platform (through Comedy Hack Day) to encourage new forms of creativity at that tech/comedy intersection. So far that's through our public events, but it's also something we offer inside an organization or on a theme (FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS ;)) Think about the Cultivated Wit formula as this. power of humor to tell the truth + power of design to empathize + power of technology to connect and amplify = Cultivated Wit's mission. this TEDxKC talk I did makes a..." - @baratunde