baratunde on I'm Baratunde Thurston, new co-host of TakePart Live on Pivot TV (and still author of How To Be Black / cofounder of Cultivated Wit). AMA!! -
"I hadn't seen the monologue until just now, so thanks for bringing it up and sorry for the delay. Short version: everything in the human experience is available for comedic interpretation. Longer version: it depends on how you approach it, who the person is, what the context is. Specifically with Chris Rock, I haven't read any of the chatter about his monologue, but I laughed out loud, and thought he made a strong case while reminding us that it's a bit hypocritical (for example) to criticize a 9/11 joke while turning Jesus's birthday into the most commercial time ever. WHAT one is joking about makes a big difference. Who's the target of the joke? Is it 9//11 victims (shitty) or is it the overreaction of our security theatre apparatus (fair game)? There's no simple way to think of "joking about" a topic. The target. The presenter. The context. All those matter heavily." - @baratunde