Arvind Sundararajan

Co-Founder of MyLikes -
Inglourious Basterds -
Saw it last night! Another great Tarantino movie - not quite the Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction levels, but still great. Loved the tavern scene. - Arvind Sundararajan
De Dolle Brouwers -
Another great beer from De Dolle. Had this at the City Beer store yesterday. Stille Nacht is still my favorite though! - Arvind Sundararajan
Awesome SSH client for the iphone. I actually used it to log into one of our servers from a restaurant a while ago. - Arvind Sundararajan
Roku Digital Video Player -
We have had it for a while, but recently I think the Netflix on demand collection has improved a lot. Neat little box and we also have seen a bunch of stuff from Amazon using it. - Arvind Sundararajan
New bar from the owners of Bourbon and Branch. Same level of awesome cocktails in a more "normal" bar settings - meaning loud and crowded. They also serve beer. - Arvind Sundararajan
The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph -
I read this a little while ago. Its a great little book describing the early day of the telegraph - the author draws a lot of comparisions to the Internet bubble of 2000. - Arvind Sundararajan
Saw this old movie last night. Great display of Roman Polanski's moviemaking skills. The movie has great sense of urgency and suspense even as the director intersperses slow scenes along with action sequences. - Arvind Sundararajan
Battlestar Galactica -
We started seeing this on Netflix. Good mix of action and story. We just finished seasons 1-3. - Arvind Sundararajan
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - TV Movie -
One my favorite episodes in the Poirot tv show starring David Suchet. He is the perfect Poirot BTW and this episode begins with this classic line: "... I was flung back into the midst of the most perversely fascinating work that there is in the world: the study of human nature ..." - Arvind Sundararajan
One of my favorite childhood board games. Would play a lot of this with my cousins over summer holidays. - Arvind Sundararajan
Amazing cheese that I recently bought. Mixture of goat, sheep and cows milk. Very soft, creamy and tasty! - Arvind Sundararajan
Another great Terry Gilliam movie. Bruce Willis is great in this movie. - Arvind Sundararajan
Great movie. We saw the 3D version. Was almost as good as Incredibles in terms of story. - Arvind Sundararajan
Consecration - Russian River Beer -
Finally tried this beer - its pretty good overall. It takes a few sips to get used to the fairly sourish strong taste, but it really grows on you. - Arvind Sundararajan
Braun MR430HC Hand Blender -
We got this a week or so ago. Very useful in the kitchen - perfect for making sauces purees etc for Indian cooking. - Arvind Sundararajan
Physics for Entertainment -
This was an amazing popular science book from a long time ago that I read when I was in 5th grade. It was a Russian book and we would get a lot of very cheap Russian books in India during the 80s. This guy had a whole series of them - covering Physics and Mathematics. Lots of fun experiments and a great fun way to teach kids about science. - Arvind Sundararajan
Aerolatte Milk Frother -
We just bought this after witnessing it in action at a friends place. It is great for making capuccino's and latte's at home. Much better than espresso machine frothers. - Arvind Sundararajan
The Dance of Death (play) -
One of the best live theater performances I have seen. We caught it in London many years ago and Ian McKellen is brilliant. This Strindberg play itself was very intense examining a very toxic relationship between this old married couple. - Arvind Sundararajan
I think this is one of the finest examples of Internet journalism being a hundred times better than any newspaper. I have always read this blog every now and then where there is a major supreme court event but with all this drama about the Sotomayor confirmation, the contrast is even greater. Great analysis of all her cases (they had a bunch of coverage on other nominees as well). - Arvind Sundararajan
Is it fair to compare this blog to a regular newspaper? I read this blog from time to time as well and I really like it, but wouldn't a fairer comparison be to a law review, or a legal journal? - Brian Johns
I think this is the best floss. Nice, flat and smooth and makes flossing actually fun! - Arvind Sundararajan
I can't use this stuff. Doesn't get into the gums enough. - Eric @ CS Techcast
La Mar Cebicheria Peruana -
Great new Peruvian place. Excellent ceviches and Pisco Sours - Arvind Sundararajan
Passadis del Pep - Barcelona -
A must visit place in Barcelona. No menus - as soon as you sit down, the waiters just keep bringing you course after course of various yummy seafood dishes and there is also Cava you can order. At some point you just tell your waiter you are stuffed and they get you dessert. Very moderately priced as well. - Arvind Sundararajan
Angels and Demons -
Good summer action movie - I liked this better than Da Vinci code - hadn't read the book and went to the movie with not too many expectations. - Arvind Sundararajan
Balthazar Restaurant & Bakery -
Great place for brunch in Soho. We try to go there everytime we are in NY. - Arvind Sundararajan
Hotel ABaC Barcelona -
We went to this place when we were in Barcelona. Great place and we even got to hang out in the cigar bar for a while after dinner. - Arvind Sundararajan
Crazy only in Tokyo kind of place. The staff band does these covers of English classic rock numbers - only good songs and they take orders for beer and pizza during set breaks - you will realize that they sing in English far better than they speak it :) The crowd is a mix of tourists, salarymen and regular folks some of whom were singing along with gusto. - Arvind Sundararajan
Our building intercom is programmed using this old win32 software which uploads data to the intercom by using a modem to dial out to a number. We are running out of computers which have modems and am also planning on getting rid of our phone line. Is there a IP based service (like Skype) ...
which can simulate a COM port over IP which can be used to dial phone numbers? - Arvind Sundararajan
true, true, at the time my treo only supported 9600bps, had to put my SIM card in the old nokia.. - Paul Lindner
Anyone have experience with Do people think it is more reliable (in getting mail through spam filters) than using your own servers?
We've done ok with our own servers (I think), but I've heard gmail works well too (assuming the volume isn't too much). - Paul Buchheit
I am getting a little frustrated with keeping our IPs off of various spam filters. I am looking at selectively using authsmtp for some particularly sensitive destinations and am running into problems with our domainkeys verification when relaying mail through Anyone encountered similar problems? - Arvind Sundararajan
Blood on the Tracks -
This album has one of my favorite Dylan tracks - "Tangled up in Blue" ... started listening to it now after a very long time. - Arvind Sundararajan
2010 Toyota Prius -
Great review of the new generation Prius. They have also added a ton of neat features like the solar powered fan and the auto park. - Arvind Sundararajan
Everyone Says I Love You -
Woody Allen musical! Fun and light hearted. A little different than his other movies. - Arvind Sundararajan
Awesome club in Berlin. It is quite a scene to see this swinging club set in this old railway warehouse. There are few really old machine parts which are just part of the decor. - Arvind Sundararajan