Watched the news tonight....probably my first mistake....and they talked about the Toyota recall, and now the fact that Toyota has discontinued the production of all eight models in question. We own a 2009 Toyota RAV4, which we bought last May, and that's one of the models in the recall! Do you think I should keep driving it?
Or should I just drive the other car until we take it in? Despite buying it last May, it really is like brand new, since we don't drive a lot. Mileage is very low. I'm not a happy camper right now. :( - Bonnie Foster
I'd definitely give the dealer a call. - Stephen Mack
Thanks least that eases my mind a little bit. Like I said the car hasn't been used that much, and (knock on wood) drives like a charm. Stephen, we're going to take it in as soon as we receive our recall letter. My husband said he read in the paper today that the letters are going out to customers ASAP. - Bonnie Foster