BBC News - Actor Shia LaBeouf walks out of Berlin press conference -
"US actor Shia LaBeouf has walked out of a news conference for director Lars von Trier's new film Nymphomaniac at the Berlin Film Festival. LaBeouf left after 10 minutes, quoting footballer Eric Cantona's famous 1995 line: "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea." He later appeared on the red carpet wearing a paper bag on his head. Written on it were the words: "I am not famous any more." - Iain Baker
I don't know if I should be amused by him or if he's slowly having a mental health crisis. So hard to tell. - Gabrielle
He couldn't even come up with his own exit line? - Akiva
LaBeouf goes the dynamite. - Micah
He's taking the casting for Transformers: Age of Extinction pretty hard, huh? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
The other side says "I am INfamous!" - Spidra Webster
LaBouche - Big Joe Silenced
Non ho letto, ma vedo che finalmente le beuf s'è deciso a recitare. Quel sacchetto è molto espressivo - Viditù
well, he always has the next Indiana Jones sequel. oh, wait... - Big Joe Silenced