What do early adopters want? Quality? Usability? Community? Coolness? Efficiency? Hype?
Yes. - Brent Newhall
A hug? - Akiva
Bacon - Bwana ☠
♥ - AJ Batac
A bacon hug. - Akiva
+1 Brent, and add New to the list - Rahsheen
I think just something that actually works, oh and I should need the product. - FriendFeedForever
To be first. - Michael C. Harris
Actually, I kind of disagree with the second part of your statement, Jason. I certainly didn't need Twitter but now that I have it, I can't see how I lived without it. In fact, I'd go so far as to suggest that that is the Holy Grail that so many seek: developing a product that no one knew that they desperately needed until they had it. - Akiva
We want the world, on a silver platter, with whip cream and a cherry on top. And don't forget the sprinkles. - Lindsay
Akiva: ah so, so what I should say is something that you need (but don't neccessarily know that you need it) I believe Frylock had something to say about this concerning T.V. - FriendFeedForever
usefulness. - Alan Le
Do things that normally take 20 minutes, in 5. - Hao Chen
depends on the segment! a gadget early adopter is different from a Web early adopter is different from a phone early adopter. - Jeremy Toeman
What I really want from my software and hardware: a component that does it's purpose well, by making it ridiculously easy and painless for me to accomplish the task it's supposed to enable, which also integrates flawlessly with other independent components that might support and extend it's functionality in a seamless way. The components should be able to securely and transparently backup and transfer any data they generate or collect and should also be cheap or free, easily obtainable. - Lindsay
heh, do things that normally take 5 minutes, in 1 - Chris Harris
Everybody's wrong. The answer is potential. - Louis Gray
early adopters are the ones who push a potential product up the hypecycle. they're not looking for the hype but creating the hype. - Benedikt Koehler
Louis, I'm afraid I think you're wrong - and right. There isn't one type of early adopter. Some want potential, some want to be first, some are interested in the technology, some have a brand to maintain. There are all sorts of motivations. - Michael C. Harris
"What do early adopters want? " - something freaking spanking new and in zomg it hurts , beta status :)- I slightly agree with Louis on potential and I second the motion that every1 is wrong (so far !!) - Peter Dawson
Hey, you guys, there is a shiny object over there. RUNNN! - Hao Chen