Happy Birthday to me and a very merry unbirthday to all of you!
Oh snap, it's your birthday!!! w00t!! Have a good one, Gina!! - Derrick
Happy Birthday! - David Cook
Thank you Derrick, That almost makes up for the food torture ;-P - InPerpetualMotion(Gina k)
lol Happy birthday. - Anika
Please, don't you know on your birthday, food has no fat or calories!? :) - Derrick
happy birthday - (jeff)isageek
Late but nevertheless, here's wishing you a plethora of happiness and joy in the year ahead and many happy returns of the day. Happy Belated Birthday! - Parth Awasthi
Happy belated birthday :) - Rodfather
Thanks everyone, it couldn't have come on a better weekend- 4 days off and fireworks in PDX on my birth night. - InPerpetualMotion(Gina k)
happyyyy birthday. :) - Anthony Citrano