McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Linguistic Notice for Homo Sapiens Heretofore Known as “Pussies” and “Little Bitches.” -
"To be sure, woman humans could be quite swift; have impressive aim with a dart; spend entire days on their feet processing carcasses into hides, meals and tools; and survive newborn Homo sapien craniums tearing through their bleeding perinea. Heck, over in the Neanderthal camp, boss cave-femmes went hunting and cave-gents made clothes. But, smaller than their male counterparts as a rule, woman humans couldn’t shoulder as many supplies into hunt or drag as much bleeding meat back to camp. While powerful with finesse, endurance and childbearing, they generally weren’t to be called upon for tasks of brutish violence. So, while packing for one fateful, perilous journey into the blowing snow, man humans looked over at you, clutching your upset tummy like the Italian soccer players who would be your descendants. One of them nodded your way and whispered, “Oog isn’t going, is he? He’s a fucking pussy.” Another agreed, “That little bitch is staying here.”" - Jessie
"Such gendered pejoratives would suffice with little challenge until well into the next epoch. Now, however, like wisdom teeth and chest hair, they no longer benefit a species whose Holocene survival has less to do with mastodon-slaying, meat-gnashing and blizzard-hiking than with mental acumen. It turns out woman humans have that in spades—at least as much as do man humans—and they’re just kind of over being on the crap side of a gender-binary metaphor, especially when so many of them have been on the crap side of a gender-binary reality." - Jessie
"We need a new word for you, a pejorative that denotes weaknesses detrimental to important 21st-Century tasks such as shaking hands after a loss or finding milk in its natural habitat, the refrigerator, without asking, “Honey, where is the milk?” “Pussy,” “little bitch,” “sissy,” “pantywaist,” “little girl,” “like a girl” and all other vulva correlatives will no longer stand, even among those of us who have bandied such terms ironically heretofore. Conversely, the figurative having of “a pair,” “balls,” “nads” and all other scrotum correlatives will no longer do for denoting merit. Your kind appears in all gender forms, and language will catch up to you. We haven’t found the word just yet. But know that Me is hunting for it." - Jessie
توی فرفر بهتره فید فارسی ارسال کنی، اگه فارسی نمیتونی تایپ کنی، بیا برو توی بهنویس فینگلیس بنویس فارسی رو کپی پیست کن :دی - ووووزلا
این شوخی ها کهنه شد اقا - alireza6211