It's definitely not pretty, and I have no idea if it will work with anyone else's feed, but I think this kludgy script I wrote might actually succeed in downloading my entire feed to my hard drive.
Or end up in an infinite loop somewhere and take up all the free space. - Victor Ganata
Now that my backup is running, I am suddenly reluctant to create new posts :D - Victor Ganata
*fingers crossed that it works. - bentley
The script has gotten to late 2011, which about 20,000 posts in…. Still four years worth of posts to go! #halfwaythere - Victor Ganata
Does your script expand all comments and all long comments? - Andrew C (✔)
Nope, it's pretty crude. I'm just downloading the raw HTML, really. - Victor Ganata
Although on the individual posts, they're already expanded, right? - Victor Ganata
Does Claudio's script go all the way back now? I might try that as well. One can never have too many backups, right? - Victor Ganata
on individual posts, all comment threads are expanded, but exceptionally long individual comments are still folded up, I think. Not sure if that's just presentation or if they're actually not downloaded until you click to expand. - Andrew C (✔)
I've gotten to early 2009, which is about 28,000 posts in :) #almostthere - Victor Ganata
Late 2008, just past 30,000 posts. I think I'm going to suspend the script though and resume when I get home…. - Victor Ganata
Hah, Google Reader posts :D - Victor Ganata
So it has taken more than 2 hours to get to about 32,000 posts and it's still going. Welp, CTRL-Z for now…. - Victor Ganata
Resumed. Still going! - Victor Ganata
I've realized I didn't really get comments or likes on my feed until early 2009. - Victor Ganata
D'oh, just realized that Friendfeed saved pics to instead of early on. I guess I shouldn't have hard coded URLs…. - Victor Ganata
LOL, my loop stopped short one page. Needs more debugging. - Victor Ganata
So three hours to pull 32,490 posts (give or take) - Victor Ganata
Heh, this is the very first page of my feed: - Victor Ganata
My first post with a real time stamp is July 11, 2007 - Victor Ganata
I think I might succeed in downloading all the posts I commented on, too. Let's see how many hours this is going to take. - Victor Ganata
*fingers still crossed* - bentley
Looks like it finished. I will probably make another pass and download all the css stylesheets, but downloading people's background images might be too much :D - Victor Ganata
I'm amazed you made posts as far back as December 31, 1969. :-P - John (bird whisperer)
Yay! You got the comments and likes, too? - bentley
I dunno if I'll do the likes, but we still have time :D - Victor Ganata