Backing it all up...
wish i could do that with mine. no linux box and the only OSX machine i have is dominated by our kids. - Big Joe Silenced
Never realized just how many pictures I uploaded.... 402, and I'm only on page 24 of my FFeed history. - Nathan Chase
I'll have to log into the Mac side of my computer at work and try this. Thanks!! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
On page 62... I wonder how far back it goes? - Nathan Chase
page 110... - Nathan Chase
Last time I backed up with ffexp was January—I apparently have over 7,930 images. - Micah
Are there simple instructions somewhere for ppl with limited patience? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Unfortunately not. Short version: Install PHP, change some config settings, and type the command to run it. - Nathan Chase
WoH, Andy offered to run his script for those unable to archive themselves. SEE - Micah
Thank you, Mr Micah :) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
np! - Micah
It stopped reporting any images pulled down past page 62... it's on page 344 now... - Nathan Chase