Gillmor Gang Live Friday 02.27.15 LIVE recording at 1pmPT/4pmET
Hello GG friends and fans! Happy Friday to you all! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Here - Keith Teare
GG - messing with my productivity weekly! - Laura Norvig
Laura - That should be our show slogan! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Friday at 1pm like rushing home to watch Crackerjack at 5pm - clive boulton
Its Friday, Its 5 O Clock, Its CrackerJack! - Keith Teare
"Oh Hai!" classic. - Simon Tennant
If you don't remember that gender, Steve... - Tom Guarriello
Keith's camera seems amazing - maybe the lighting or lack of lighting - Michael Roberts
keith is black and blue? - Kevin Marks
Is it gold and white or black and blue? No one will know... - John Taschek
Llama, Kevin, llama - Tom Guarriello
I agree, Michael. Noticed it last show, too. - Tom Guarriello
Pre Barcelona. New Moto E LTE $149.99 value! - clive boulton
S6 $1000? - clive boulton
Keith is than apple camera? or something you purchased? curious what it is. - Michael Roberts
#whiteandgold - cc @kevinmarks ;) - J.C. Bouvier
its a Sony A7s DSLR - Keith Teare
4k into Skype via HDMI-USB bridge - Keith Teare
white and gold... but its really blue and black - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hangouts still supports XMPP - Google is just sunsetting the Windows Google Talk native client - Ankush Narula
The rig delivers a cool look, Keith. Good choice - Tom Guarriello
is there a link? - Kevin Marks
i missed the story - Kevin Marks
I missed a few weeks; glad to catch a show; @Keith... you change cameras? you look amazing ha (picutre quality) - Matthew Voshell
retweet the tweet above - Keith Teare
steve above search - Tina Chase Gillmor
RIP Spock - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Kevin - I'm mistaken - technically speaking Google Talk still support XMPP and connects with the Hangouts infrastructure - Ankush Narula
For sure, Tina. - Tom Guarriello
My work now we are fighting b/t age lines (50 and older) wont let go of native clients, under 50 are fine with browser based.. its WW1 style people hanging on for dear life; - Matthew Voshell
Sunsetting the native client is fine -- it works on the other platforms where people are actually doing the work - John Taschek
I have the hardest time understanding that. GTalk is now hangouts ... sort of. - Laura Norvig
@Laura.. i agree they havent done the best job branding that whole space; - Matthew Voshell
^^ here - Ankush Narula
Keith - how is an open standard "propriatary"? - Simon Tennant
I agree Laura and Matthew - not best branding. But google is moving toward more than just "talk" - theoretically taking more video in - John Taschek
@Tina, such a sad day. I should leave work early and hunker down for a weekend-long Star Trek TOS marathon. - Laura Norvig
@Tina.. get the guys to geek out even more with leonard nimoy stories? - Matthew Voshell
XMPP's feature is the X - extensibility. - Simon Tennant
and Federation. - Simon Tennant
HTTP doesn't federate. - Simon Tennant
Google making life unnecessarily hard for its ecosystem partners - clive boulton
But there's no question that Google is headed towards Hangouts and eliminating Talk/XMPP - enterprises using XMPP/Talk via Google Apps are the big holdout - Ankush Narula
@Keith... I use hangouts on desktop/mobile to talk with android people.. but i see people using whatsapp and viber for cross platform; - Matthew Voshell
http can federate if software enables it - Keith Teare
chat center is about to support domains - Keith Teare
will be fully federated - Keith Teare
but still centrally controlled? XMPP is more like email - no central ownership, just a gentlemen's agreement to exchange messages. - Simon Tennant
In app "sponsored posts" are so annoying.. verzion fios is doing the same thing but inserting paid movies in between channels; why dont they offer a paid version?? I'd pay for a twitter app not to have sponsored posts; and Apple tried iAd and look how non-successful that was... mobile advertising is hard.. just charge for your app and get it over with! - Matthew Voshell
Ben Thompson Peak Google post is worth a read - Tom Guarriello
We will use DNS host files to federate control too - Keith Teare
keith - interesting. Self-hostable? - Simon Tennant
Glass discontinued. Barges cancelled. Enterprise hard. Dart not Chromed. Node disliked. GTV backed away. - clive boulton
not initially, but eventually - Keith Teare
Google is doing alot for AndoirdOne? They are trying to own the delveoping world.. the next flow of users to sign up.. and most of them will have android phones... chromebooks are deploying to education like apple used to.. kids are going to grow up knowing google; its going to take awhile but its going to pay off in 10-15 years - Matthew Voshell
Not me. I was just trying to figure out that auction losers get $5 million thing... - Tom Guarriello
Will Apple buy .apk to compete? - Kevin Marks
I just spent time with teenagers at a technology academy, I asked them to tell me the top 2 apps they use, every single one said a messaging app... thats all they do with thier phones... message... - Matthew Voshell
or buy .apple - clive boulton
i believe that is .company - Matthew Voshell
the registrars are just trying to keep verisign in biz but releaseing new and more domains for people to just redirect to .com - Matthew Voshell
OT: @Keith, you streaming from an HDSLR? Looks good... - J.C. Bouvier
yes - Sony A7s - Keith Teare
@Keith.. that would be nice actually.. i use apppickr and product hunt got lots of funding.. what if google could search across app stores for the best apps for specific criteria - Matthew Voshell
@keith.. i have a D600.. can you post your setup? - Matthew Voshell
Steve is right. Search should become more and more voice activated (Alexa, Siri, Google, etc.).How do you return an audio ad? - Alex de Soto
you make the ad a result - Kevin Marks
also, audio search can give a visual result - Kevin Marks
@Dan... the google search app on iOS does this already.. it knows where my work is and sends a push notification to tell me how long itll take me and the best route.. when i wake up... i like it - Matthew Voshell
who purchased .foo - clive boulton
its just an HDMI to USB3 bridge - Keith Teare
My sense is voice force a federated standard no? - J.C. Bouvier
Googs search experience fairly stale since Marissa Mayer owned it. - clive boulton
it's walmart, and the other retailers that want to use thier own payment gateways... its VHS vs Beta all over again.. one will eventually win out - Matthew Voshell
disagree - a lot has changed - Kevin Marks
That does 4k - Keith Teare
mobile got alot better - Kevin Marks
knowledge graph is huge - Kevin Marks
RE: ISIL, destroying art is really crossing the line... - J.C. Bouvier
Google's search experience is stale? "OK Google", Now, Translate, Cards, etc - aren't these all Google Search products? - Ankush Narula
some good products as they get more contextual but the core search product of web search kind of sucks now (for researchers, librarians) - Laura Norvig
Search experience 'late June 2011'... - clive boulton
Google+ is really just identity at this point - it's embedded across all of the Google properties. - Ankush Narula
which was the original goal - Kevin Marks
Except they've let the bots into G+ - clive boulton
Her. (personal search, personal assistant) - Laura Norvig
I'm not sure "social" matters in the same way it mattered 3-4 years ago. As Kevin/Keith said, Android gives Google plenty of metadata for their businesses and to establish a social/interest graph that includes sensor and (app) usage data. - Ankush Narula
It's Scarlett Johansson search...which ain't bad! - Tom Guarriello
G+ is a damn mess...Google needs to EOL the noise and lift the cream (Hangouts, Hangouts on Air, AutoAwesome and Ident) out of that mess ASAP...create a Facebook Group/Page exporter and free up those dev resources into Cards/Now and Docs... - J.C. Bouvier
make shit up. ;-) - Laura Norvig
"@levie To the Gmail engineer that worked on autocomplete machine learning and likely has shifted focus to self-driving cars, we need you back" - clive boulton
GOP loses... - J.C. Bouvier
What about the new definition of Google Glass - the glass HQ - Josh Bradshaw
FCC voted party lines, but lost 3-2, ISP are going to classified as public utilities.. which allows for more regulations, - Matthew Voshell
They can also throttle companies that dont pay... making it hard for smaller comapnies to break out - Matthew Voshell
Oh is that right Matthew? I missed that...tx for clarifying. - J.C. Bouvier
Larry and Sergey have their focus off-focus. - clive boulton
Assuming Netflix/YouTube/etc are paying for the peering interconnections, who's paying to upgrade the capacity of ISP backbones? - Ankush Narula
#HouseofCards will eat your weekend. - J.C. Bouvier
it already is in the UK, a lot more than here - Kevin Marks
Better 1934 than 1984 - christina sponselli
jon oliver's expliantion does wonders - Matthew Voshell
@John don't worry about competing in a global economy - Comcast and Verizon will buy the competition - Ankush Narula
@Matthew, tx, will check it. - J.C. Bouvier
I'm on ATT grandfathered unlimted service... i get throttled to the point of unusability when i go over 3GB a month - Matthew Voshell
Matthew - are you allowed to tether with that plan? - Ankush Narula
Millennials avoiding ATT / Verizon, pay off college debt, using T-Mo / Sprint with wifi. - clive boulton
@Keith... I can see your skin pores.... i have to copy your setup - Matthew Voshell
:-) - Keith Teare
In this setup, Keith, you look a lot more like Sir Alex! ;) - Tom Guarriello
@Keith - still paying TiVo a monthly fee? - Ankush Narula
no bought the lifetime plan - Keith Teare
Tom - Minus the accent - Keith Teare
Well...minus that Northern accent... - Tom Guarriello
House of Cards season 3? - Ankush Narula
Wolf Hall - Kevin Marks
Fortitude | Extended Trailer - clive boulton
Hear that's really good, Keith - Tom Guarriello
Hole? - Ankush Narula
Wullffall - Tom Guarriello
Wolf Hall - Kevin Marks
Hawl - Ankush Narula
Worf Haul - Kevin Marks
Yah, looks nice. - J.C. Bouvier
@Alex - of course we have to wait :-( - Ankush Narula
April 5th on PBS - Alex de Soto
next week, sony going broke? - Matthew Voshell
Yes, steve, for $2500 - Tom Guarriello
Wolf Haulin' Oats - Jerome Hughes
+1 Jerome - Tom Guarriello
Vauxhall? ;) - J.C. Bouvier
@Steve, it all looks good, but the HDSRL is nice... - J.C. Bouvier
Ha ha ha. - J.C. Bouvier
Why Ustream and not YouTube Live? - Ankush Narula
'Tricaster' for cheapskates - clive boulton
@Steve @Tina.. why not post the shows on a youtube page? recorded of course - Matthew Voshell
Ha ha - J.C. Bouvier
podcast - Josh Bradshaw
Congrats to Salesforce, guys. Great job growing a powerhouse - Tom Guarriello
SHOW IDEA: lead tracking tech moves from desktop to mobile...? - J.C. Bouvier
Great episode name - Ankush Narula
Wool Fole - Ankush Narula
Will Fall - Kevin Marks
3 Men and a Baby was a fun movie - Tom Guarriello
Nerd Alert! - Matthew Voshell
LLAP all - good show - Ankush Narula
Indicates Goog's search experience is on the move - clive boulton