I don't know if any of y'all are into Alternate Reality Gaming (ARG), but there is a kickstarter for Brian Humphrey's newest: The Lurker in the Library 2. His first game, The Lurker in the Library was fantastic, based on Lovecraft and had wonderful props and tools.
I encourage you to check it out or spread the word. The game doesn't look like it will start till next year, but now is the time to get involved. https://www.kickstarter.com/project... - Mary Carmen
I know it seems odd to "pay to play" but, if you've seen some of his other work, you can see that the money is very well spent and is funneled straight into the game. - Mary Carmen
You can see his other work here: http://games.brianhumphreys.com/ - Mary Carmen
Oh, and yes, I'm all in on this at the $100 level. When done well, these are amazing....and who doesn't want to be Agent Mulder every now and again???? - Mary Carmen
Oh, yeah, I'm in - though at $25 for now. I haven't done too many ARG's, but was just feeling nostalgic about Perplexcity the other day. - Jennifer Dittrich
I'm in big ;-) because I want to get mail that isn't bills or ads ;-) - Mary Carmen