un-se-leg put-sein Roman-eshte!
actual (non-phonetic spelling): Înțeleg puțin românește! - Jeanette Bosman
*Insert mumbling about how XP's fonts are STILL missing Unicode characters* - Tudor Bosman
Romanian language uses "ț" (U+021B, LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW) and "ș" (U+0219, LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW), but those are still missing from XP's default install, so people incorrectly substitute "ţ" (U+0163, LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA) and "ş" (U+015F, LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA), respectively. - Tudor Bosman
Also: congrats to Jeanette for starting to learn Romanian :) (more than the various curse words that I've already taught her :) ) - Tudor Bosman
Ben has picked up some Vietnamese from being around my family. Mostly curses, too. - Megen Vo