In Vitro Embryo Mix-Up Mother Shannon Morell Writes Book About Miracle Baby Carried By Carolyn Savage - ABC News -
"On Feb. 17, 2009, they received stunning news from the fertility clinic: All of their frozen embryos had been accidentally transferred into the womb of another woman -- and she was pregnant." - bob
Amazing. Wow. - Louis Gray
I think the other woman is the hero here. Beyond that, I'll bite my tongue. - Dawn
I wonder how much money the fertility clinic had to cough up. I'm also wondering who got more -- the woman forced to be a surrogate mother or the one who can never get pregnant again? - Gabe
If I'm reading the article correctly, both families already have biological children. That said, I can't imagine what they went through. Carrying a baby to term that you know is not your own seems like a huge burden. - Clare Dibble