Parents: How many days can your kid miss (for family vacation) before there are problems with the school? Kid is 6th grade, middle school. Days would be 3 - 4 days before Thanksgiving and 3 days following, for a total of 7 days missed.
I know we used to miss a week during Christmas when we were in middle school and high school. The kids and I are going to Mexico this Friday, so they will miss four days. - Shevonne
Public or private school? Public schools get funded based on the number of students who attend, so they may get a little more upset over it. - John E. Bredehoft
Seven days missed shouldn't be a problem. I think I got a letter when Seth missed 11 days of elementary school. All due to illness. In the letter it said that we would be taken to "court" if it reached 16 and was unexcused. So... I think you're OK, but definitely depends on the school district. Try look at their website or call 'em. - Trish Haley
I had a boy in my daughter's school miss two weeks! However, he was in 1st grade. I think if you talk to the teacher and get the schoolwork beforehand, it shouldn't be an issue. - Shevonne
< 10% of the days in the semester is the rule here. It might be different based on each state or school's policy. 100 days in the semester would be < 10 days missed. However, what happens after that amount is they require a dr's note or it counts as unexcused. - Trish R