03.05.15 - G3 Live Recording Session & Live Chat starting at 11:00am Pacific/ 2:00pm Eastern. Stream at http://ustream.tv/G3 ...it's our first show for March 2015!
"native advertising" - Jerome Hughes
youtube ads are shown alongside the youtube comment cesspool - Jerome Hughes
Correct. - Francine Hardaway
"Why Google+ is splitting into photos and streams" http://mashable.com/2015... - Jerome Hughes
Bullshit - Steve Gillmor
handing him control of the marker - Jerome Hughes
You're a man Steve - Francine Hardaway
And I'm not a hard core feminist, but they seem to be discriminatory - Francine Hardaway
Another thing: Portfolio companies tend to mirror VC behavior. I know a KP company that fired all the women in management at about the same time that Trae Vasello was let go. Due to 'VC storytelling' incentive, weak start-ups are basically running Potemkin villages to trying to put out an image to VCs that fit their patterning biases. - Therese Sullivan
Oh wow, Therese. THat is eyeopening. - Francine Hardaway
Thanks obama - Steve Gillmor
Just mashing in my head, Francine, about 2 topics covered today. "Google Trends down when it comes to biz followthrough" + #ellenpao. So...Trae Vasello nurses NEST Labs till it sells for $3.2 billion, then she is laid off cuz not good enough and CleanTech is a no-go (tell that to Elon). Does KP bleed its IPO'd companies to get an exit for its newer portfolio companies? Is that a thing? Now NEST is loosing exec's, Google employees are posting vid's about how terrible the products are etc. Glass is moved into NEST which is a complete mixmatch in terms of go-to-market cuz NEST has positioned for home and comsumer and Glass is now industrial/commercial. NEST seems another example of how G doesn't understand biz follow-through. But, does anyone care? Does anyone ever go back and ask was it worth $3.2B? Would Trae not 'play' with the mechaniations necessary to get the valuation that high...and that is why that $3.2B didn't reflect her biz prowess? - Therese Sullivan
I wish one of us knew her. She's the one with the great track record and perhaps SHE should have sued. - Francine Hardaway
I think her story is more interesting than Ellen Pao's. She was covered in that nytimes mag article in about the fate of female Stanford engineering grads http://www.nytimes.com/interac... - Therese Sullivan