iPhone Doom Classic Progress Report - http://www.idsoftware.com/iphone-...
It's interesting how hard it is to make apparently-straightforward graphical improvements to a 16-year-old game running on more modern hardware. Also, even without the graphical improvements, "it is Doom as you remember it, which is quite a bit better than it actually was". - Ben Darnell
I was just complaining to Gary today that I remember playing Doom on my 33Mhz 486, but these days you "need" a 400Mhz ARM to get the same performance. Thank you performance sucking abstraction layers! - Private Sanjeev
Just installed http://koti.mbnet.fi/mertama... on my Nokia. Ahh it takes me back. Interesting to see some of the choices that they made for the original game still hold true with a modern PDA/Phone. - John Cooper