New Poll: Less Than Half Of Republicans Believe Obama Was Born In U.S. -
omgwtfbbq - BEX
Oh for the love!!! At this point in the game, does it really f*&^%$# matter?!?! - David Cook
Stay classy. - Derrick
You've got to be kidding! Are they still harping on that ridiculous topic? - Jeff P. Henderson
But ... he wasn't born in the US. He was born in Hawaii. o.o - Matthew Horton
LOL yeah it's still around - - BEX
Isn't this one piece of info enough evidence? - Jeff P. Henderson
Unfortunately there's quite a few people that don't believe what wiki's have to offer claiming it's not a reliable or trustworthy source of information. Go fig. - Matthew Horton
Yeesh. - Bill Sodeman