I am VERY impressed with how strong the FriendFeed community is - the new twitter list feature really high-lights the bond we all share...very cool :) <3 FF
Jesse Stay,
Tyson Key,
Mike Fruchter,
Ha3rvey (Free hugs),
Kol Tregaskes,
Mike Chelen,
Just Mrs. V,
Spidra Webster,
Martin Bryant
liked this
Yeah, I saw a load of FF user lists spring up and I slapped myself on the wrist for not spending enough time her over the past couple of weeks!
- Martin Bryant
Martin - Yep, same here! :)
- Susan Beebe
Can I plug my FF Twitter List here? Oh well here it is: http://ff.im/aOeIo :-)
- Kol Tregaskes
Absolutely - thank you Kol :)
- Susan Beebe