BEX The real reason the Birthers don't like Obama
1) Walking through Honolulu International Airport, one repeatedly hears people refer to the flight to the mainland as "going to America." 2) The McDonalds there serve rice and spam. 3) There are those native Hawaiians who still claim that their land was illegally annexed, and therefore Hawaii is an illegitimate state. 4) The street names have way too many vowels; just try saying, "Kalanianaole Highway." 5) The health care system covers more than 95% of its residents. Does that sound like America? 6) You can watch NFL football games -- live -- at 8am on Sunday mornings. 7) It's the only state that grows coffee. (Suspiciously, Kenya is also a major exporter of coffee.) 8) Hawaii's population is 55% Asian. Does that sound like America? 9) Obama himself once mistakenly said that there were 57 states, so even he is a little insecure about this whole notion of there being 50 states. 10) At least Alaska has Sarah Palin and oil; now, that's America. - BEX
Kalanianaole Highway - Josh Haley
I've lived and worked in Honolulu for 7 years now. The cultural diversity here has led to a remarkable level of tolerance, although there a still tensions among groups. We are much more likely to say a flight is going to the mainland than to America. Has anyone mentioned that the West Coast depends on Hawaii's military bases? The Pacific coastline would be dotted with more and larger bases if Hawaii didn't do more than its share. It's kind of sad that these old tropes are being brought out - even in jest. Hawaii celebrates it's 50th anniversary as a state on FrIday, August 21. - Bill Sodeman
*fistbump* Bill. Hawaii is my home from 0 to 27 yrs old. Grew up a haole and felt the tensions firsthand. But Aloha is the prevalent culture, for sure. - Josh Haley
I'm *still* trying to understand Hawaii in that I see the Aloha but only in the past 5 years heard about the serious racial tensions. - Spidra Webster
Dude...they have been around since forever. Hardcore locals hate haoles, period. That was my life as a kid, being picked on for nothing at all. - Josh Haley
<fistbumps> I've seen locals vs transplants issue everywhere I've lived in the US. In Hawaii, we transplants are much more obvious. - Bill Sodeman