If anyone cares, the bar by my house is having Star Wars trivia night on Wednesday, March 25th. I will be at work...because work ruins my social life.
I have my kids on Wednesdays, but just out of curiosity, which bar? - Stephen Mack
I'm pretty sure they allow kids but I'd call to make sure. 7 Stars, on Bascom. - Gabrielle
Trouble is with homework and dinner and bath and all the driving to pick them up by 5, it's very hard for me to go out with them on a weeknight. Maybe when they're older. - Stephen Mack
Stephen, you will be shocked how fast that comes. Just. Shocked. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
True. I'm sure they'll do it again. They had a LOTR night last month. That was on a Saturday. - Gabrielle