Air Pollution Linked to 1.2 Million Deaths in China -
Extra news: China pollution linked to rising cancer rates: About 3.5 million people are diagnosed with cancer yearly, China’s death rate from cancer is far higher — about 2.5 million people yearly - Halil
Last month, more than 16,000 dead pigs were found floating in one of Shanghai’s main water sources. Only days after, more than 1,000 dead ducks were found dumped in a river in south-western Sichuan province. And earlier this week, a total of 410 pigs and 122 dogs were discovered in homes and at farms in a village that comes under Yanshi city’s jurisdiction in central Henan province. Agencies - Halil
I remember days in Beijing that looked like that. Not all of them. But some. - Jessie
It's getting scary, UK went through this with their yellow fog years in the 1950's, the death rates were swept under the carpet, which was easier back then, but this can't be ignored. I wonder what the migration rate is and if it's linked to the bad pollution? ~ London 1952 smog resulting in 13,000 early deaths each year in the UK and 4,300 in London - Halil