Anyone else remember when having a 1GB HDD was a big deal? #nostalgia
I remember when going from 4MB of RAM to 8MB was a big deal... - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
My first hard drive was 40MB heh - Rodfather
I'm trying to remember what size mine was. Got it from Sears in 1994. - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
My first Web server - I built it on NT 3.51 (Yeah, I know...) on a 486DX2/66 with 16MB RAM, httpd32 and a 1GB SCSI drive. Good times... - teleken
In college, we had to reserve blocks of time for video editing on the "special computer" that had 1GB. It still took 1-2(?) hours to process/export a 15 minute video, but that was impressive to us. - Meg VMeg
"The Apple Macintosh Performa 6300CD features a 100 MHz PowerPC 603e processor, 16 MB of RAM, a 1.2 GB hard drive, and a 4X CD-ROM drive in a compact desktop case. This model also shipped with a 15" Apple color monitor." That was the first computer I used to develop Web content. - teleken
I remember that 1.6 gig hd was about $700. My first dx2/50 had a 420MB hd. Gateway 2000 Dude. - Joe
And, I think we paid an extra 200-300 dollars for an extra 4mb of RAM to 8megs. - Joe
Geez, Rodfather: 11MB. Morrow HD11. My first computer--on which I wrote my first published book--had no HD: two 360K diskettes, true floppies. That huge hard disk *was* a big deal. - walt crawford