I wonder what it feels like to have a retirement plan.
Plans are useless. Planning is essential (I think that is a paraphrase but it catches the essence). - Brian Sullivan
This is speaking as someone well down the path to retirement (at least from an age pov). - Brian Sullivan
I was reading earlier about people with 6 figure 401 K plans not having enough. they have a lot more than me, from between 5 times as much to 40 times or so as much. I'm figuring on, when I can't work anymore, dying. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
I wish I at least had a life insurance policy so my kids could benefit from my death. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
My situation is different -- partly because I am in Canada. I have been self employed for 20 years with wildly fluctuating income so haven't been able to save a lot. I lucked out though -- the house I bought 30 years ago appreciated a lot -- I sold it and now have a modest cushion. - Brian Sullivan