GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
Ready to rock this Holiday Weekend!
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Oh yes
- Kevin Marks
Anyone want something to eat? :-)
- Robert Scoble
not for a day or so
- Kevin Marks
I'm so stuffed.
- Robert Scoble
- Keith Teare
also in a food coma
- clive boulton
Glad y'all survived the chaos #blackfriday
- Nir Ben Yona
The chosen one must be Satya Nadella?
- clive boulton
any of you guys is going to be at LE WEB in Paris ?
- flyinthesoup
I hope I never eat junk again
- Francine Hardaway
Kevin's on, Keith is on
- Francine Hardaway
Reactive apps is the new sexy enterprise
- clive boulton
- Francine Hardaway
I'm at Le Web, and so is Scoble
- Kevin Marks
I just tried to look Revolvd up on Google and couldn't find it
- Francine Hardaway
nice to know Kevin, looking forward to meeting you guys
- flyinthesoup
Black Friday chaos
- Nir Ben Yona
helloooooo everyone1
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Most of the new things have to do with the sharing economy; ho one has to own everything, which is why Uber doesn't want to own cars
- Francine Hardaway
OMG! That's an awesome twist. Personal lives in public...
- Francine Hardaway
It IS kinky. That's why it gets popuilar
- Francine Hardaway
Nice idea, Keith
- Francine Hardaway
Analysts & Marc Benioff discuss
- clive boulton
did you see at&T and t-mobile fighting for a customer:
- Kevin Marks
I think that's what Contatta is trying to do. They're not launchedyet
- Francine Hardaway
Right. I switched to Android and can't get texts from IOS phones
- Francine Hardaway
how, francine? cos they are using imessage?
- Kevin Marks
80% of Snapchat users are female - source Benedict Evans
- Ian Waring
Yes.They are using iMessage
- Francine Hardaway
Sorry - 70% female in Snapchat- my bad
- Ian Waring
Everyone on iPhonex uses iMessage and it doesn't always translate to SMS when going to a Google phone
- Francine Hardaway
And KitKat defaults to Hangouts for SMS
- Francine Hardaway
both let you send SMS though, surely?
- Kevin Marks
I'm not sure the vanishing picture is the value. I see people using it to bring people into the moment with a picture and then use the product to chat a bit
- Tina Chase Gillmor
They dok Kevin, but they are both defaulted to "over the top" and it's hard to understnad how to change the settings
- Francine Hardaway
Keith - We need you to put earphones on
- Tina Chase Gillmor
There are 50 IM apps on the Apple App Store. 6-7 over 9 figures of users. More like a Nightclub (people there because people there) rather than blockbuster brands
- Ian Waring
audio problem coming from you we think
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I finally downloaded another SMS program to get rid of Hangouts. And I even read Schmidt's post about how to switch
- Francine Hardaway
email will eventually die out with Generation C
- Moe Glitz
Snapchat for deep enterprise? Message-passing systems Akka, Node coming on fast
- clive boulton
Line, WhatsApp, Weibo, Twitter, Facebook...
- Ian Waring
Impermanence doesn't allow for advertising
- Francine Hardaway
So right Francine
- Moe Glitz
Talked to four college students at dinner last night about Snapchat. It's used to bullying, etc
- Francine Hardaway
And to exclude people, including roommates they don't like
- Francine Hardaway
If Facebook didn't own Instagram, they wouldn't be relevant right now
- Moe Glitz
Moe: I totally disagree with that.
- Robert Scoble
Texting stays on your phone
- Francine Hardaway
Akka and Node mentioned during Dreamforce 2013 Live GG
- clive boulton
Facebook is dying in London, everyone moving to messaging app
- Moe Glitz
WhatsApp rules right now
- Moe Glitz
I use fb messaging with my boys
- Kevin Marks
Path is taking off in Jakarta
- clive boulton
I use FB messaging
- Francine Hardaway
Instagram + Facebook traffic < Snapchat
- Ian Waring
Kids are the future
- Moe Glitz
Snapchat is 4x Instagram
- Ian Waring
That's why kids use Snapchat. It disappears. Not there when you are looking for a job
- Francine Hardaway
Mark Zuckerberg is acting like Richard Nixon, taking out his rivals.
- Moe Glitz
Gotcha is that Google+, Facebook enforce a single identity. Myriad of mobile IMs allow multiple identities/audiences
- Ian Waring
High school kids are wise to the danger of creating a permanent profile
- Francine Hardaway
First Instagram. Next Snapchat.
- Moe Glitz
kids got primed using photos with Intragram
- Tina Chase Gillmor
WhatsApp assumes your phone # is your identity, which is crap if you change SIMs
- Kevin Marks
I do it
- Francine Hardaway
My < 2 year old granddaughter takes selfies on family iPhones and iPads
- Ian Waring
Instagram is what my ASU students use
- Francine Hardaway
Social consequences are being learned earlier and earlier
- Francine Hardaway
Distributed Algorithms for Message-Passing Systems
- clive boulton
Rumors are that Instagram is releasing a Messaging Service sometime next year
- Moe Glitz
That's why kids are moving away from texting
- Francine Hardaway
Hard to prove you were the one driving - riding in a car & texting is still legal...
- Ian McGee
While LinkedIn is clearly crucial in the job search process, I'd argue Twitter > Facebook in terms of professional reputation development. What you tweet about, what articles you reference.
- Rob Underwood
Hi Ian McGee
- Francine Hardaway
/wave Francine. ;-)
- Ian McGee
Rob: in HR they are using all three. All three (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, along with Google/blogs) ARE important. Not sure any one is more important than the others.
- Robert Scoble
LinkedIn is getting to be a crock - being turned into a Professionals HuffPo
- Ian Waring
I've always hated LinkedIn
- Francine Hardaway
Texting is still #1 then gaming and emailing [digital life American teens]. Snapchat is #8 after Twitter and Instagram.
- Nir Ben Yona
Even Twitter is exploring Private Chat.
- Moe Glitz
So Snapchat can never make money or have the possibility of making money and still be worth billions? I don't get it
- Francine Hardaway
Nir, where do those numbers come from?
- Francine Hardaway
Investors and their associates
- Moe Glitz
Francine: Family Online Safety Institute.
- Nir Ben Yona
"LinkedIn = Professionals HuffPo" seconding @Ian
- clive boulton
- Francine Hardaway
Francine, check it out
- Nir Ben Yona
so you're saying with snap chat, where is the data?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert - in HR, sure. I'm more talking about "personal brand" building for purposes of communicating what one is into, reads, etc. Unless you do a lot of public Facebook posts and a lot of posting about one's industry on FB, I think Twitter often says more about what a person is thinking about, reading, etc. Twitter is also useful for mining how many people, and people of influence, are following a Twitter user.
- Rob Underwood
snapchat keeps the metadata - who you messaged when and from where
- Kevin Marks
the kids are the data
- Moe Glitz
we can hear you csoble
- Kevin Marks
- Kevin Marks
calling you back robert
- Tina Chase Gillmor
we can hear
- Ian Waring
Gravity Scoble
- Moe Glitz
I can hear now.
- Robert Scoble
wishing john taschek here to discuss message-passing Akka / Node in enterprise
- clive boulton
Wow, Nir, I'm surprised by those statistics
- Francine Hardaway
You end up being tracked all the time - need an IFTTT to decide your identities (or cloak you) at different times or locations
- Ian Waring
Francine, yeah very surprising.
- Nir Ben Yona
Most new features that Facebook has shipped over the past year has sunk without trace
- Moe Glitz
Timeline, Ticker, Facebook Search.
- Moe Glitz
Doesn't Snapchat also warn the originator if a recpient grabs a screenshot? Nice social pressure...
- Ian McGee
Especially is a kid commits suicide because of bullying
- Francine Hardaway
Instagram new releases are Facebook's Jewel in the Crown
- Moe Glitz
That happened after Randi Zuckerberg's last year Thanksgiving, imcgee
- Francine Hardaway
if it detects it, yes. can't detect using another phone to film it, or playing it in someone else's presence
- Kevin Marks
Good point, Kevin
- Ian McGee
Randi was using Facebook Poke
- Kevin Marks
Oh, that's right
- Francine Hardaway
- Moe Glitz
Facebook Poke hit an Iceberg
- Moe Glitz
like Apple Ping
- Kevin Marks
Ping went Pong
- Moe Glitz
Proving that big platforms can't just clone the tech of disruptive startups
- Francine Hardaway
what about 23 nad me?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Francine: nor can they clone audiences.
- Robert Scoble
Twitter rules
- Moe Glitz
You're right. It's the audience
- Francine Hardaway
Twitter is each person's individual daily press release platform.
- Rob Underwood
My wifes spit is in LA with 23andMe - waiting for her reading
- Ian Waring
The error on part of 23andMe is dressing its product in the “high tech clothing” of genetics instead of fortune telling
- clive boulton
Google should have brought Twitter way before it launched the lame Google+
- Moe Glitz
FDA silly - if you expose anything, next contact is a Doctor...
- Ian Waring
I hope we talk about 23andMe. I have spit for them, too
- Francine Hardaway
so snapcaht is too private
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Boo to insurance companies withholding data on our own DNA
- Ian Waring
23andMe got snapchatted
- clive boulton
Google+ is really single sign on
- Ian Waring
Steve's audio is very low on my headphones. Everyone else is normal.
- Robert Scoble
Every can make their own movie (or TV show, etc.) now -- what's interesting is when lots of people, especially lots of young people, start to actually do just that then self-distribute/market using social tools. See for but one of example of what's trying to prime that pump.
- Rob Underwood
Everyone fine sound wise here in the UK
- Ian Waring
Then do I have to go back to my iPhone?
- Francine Hardaway
Francine: so far I haven't had to.
- Robert Scoble
There IS the same problem with Hangouts
- Francine Hardaway
Indeed - Hangouts depart of XMPP
- Ian Waring
I love my nexus5. No Steve. It doesn't go through
- Francine Hardaway
Hate having to know preferred destination. Sent Hangout chat to my daughter but she thinks of it as computer not phone - didn't get it for a long time.
- Ian McGee
Which I do because I have an IPad.
- Francine Hardaway
Steve: My daughter sends me a text. I get it on my iPad and not on my Nexus5
- Francine Hardaway
So you can't be in both ecosystems
- Francine Hardaway
iPad and iPhone share the same iCloud account...
- Ian Waring
I'm getting rid of my 5s to go Nexus 5...
- Ian Waring
Right Ian Waring. And that's where my problem lies. I know it, but I can't fix it
- Francine Hardaway
but keeping my iPad...
- Ian Waring
GDGs are doing some Tricaster quality broadcasts with HoA and YouTube Live
- clive boulton
You will have the same problem I have Ian Waring
- Francine Hardaway
But Robert then you have to remember that (who uses what)
- Ian McGee
This is why Messaging Apps like SnapChat & WhatsApp win
- Moe Glitz
You can't if you have an iPad you want to use
- Francine Hardaway
Other problem then is SMS requires cell signal, while the digital messaging systems work over wifi/data
- Ian McGee
- Francine Hardaway
quite ian, so when I go to the uk, I don't get texts for a week
- Kevin Marks
I had to get rid of both Hangouts and iMessages, and go to SMS.
- Francine Hardaway
I love my Nexus5, and Steve is behind
- Francine Hardaway
iMessage is a mess. I had a supervisor sending me iMessages (group message) for MONTHS that I never got because I have an Android device. When that happens to me, I don't wait for a fix - I stop using the service. Period.
- Kevin Bryan
Getting very easy to develop apps - voice enabling a text box on Nexus 5 is 15 lines of Javascript
- Ian Waring
hangouts works on ios though
- Kevin Marks
That's the Chrome Apps future - enterprise apps move from Java to Javascript
- Ian Waring
Users made Twitter
- Moe Glitz
Able to run Javascript apps with headless Chrome on all platforms, save to Homescreen just like iOS
- Ian Waring
Kevin: I agree with you. I hate SMS for business messages anyway. I ALWAYS force people to use email in a business context.
- Robert Scoble
source for that andoid/ios data is behind a paywall at BI
- Kevin Marks
would love to hear what everyone is thankful for -- in tech and beyond.
- Rob Underwood
Sounds like a Jim Carrey Movie
- Moe Glitz
Apple and Apple, Rob
- Moe Glitz
23 and Me co-founder Linda left 2 years ago in frustration
- clive boulton
23andMe have 14 days to start answering questions
- Ian Waring
I have had my DNA done by them.
- Francine Hardaway
ÇLive, frustration with what?
- Francine Hardaway
which is BS - people then go to Doctors if any queries
- Ian Waring
People are thinking about dual mastectomies if they have the BRACA1 gene
- Francine Hardaway
Healthcare cost per capita in US 2x most places in Europe
- Ian Waring
Health care is highly regulated. So they comply or get shut down
- Francine Hardaway
The women ask for them
- Francine Hardaway
23andMe, another CIA stealth
- Moe Glitz
Agreed Kevin
- Ian Waring
Who sells surgery, which is what surgeons do
- Francine Hardaway
Thanks Robert for the link.
- Rob Underwood
FDA upset with Angelina Jolie brca1
- clive boulton
Yes, Clive
- Francine Hardaway
Why limit data?
- Ian Waring
@Moe - Well played. I'm thankful for RESTful APIs too.
- Rob Underwood
If the regulation is unbiased, it's one thing. But if the regulation throws business to a surgeon, its another
- Francine Hardaway
Pharma complicit in evergreening patents with no effective improvements...
- Ian Waring
We're drifting into the plotline of Le Carré's "The Constant Gardener" here...
- Kevin Bryan
And don't get me started about why we don't teach prevention, which 23andMe can do
- Francine Hardaway
The science pubs are biased
- Francine Hardaway
- Francine Hardaway
most published research is false:
- Kevin Marks
Correct, Kevin, and can't be replicated
- Francine Hardaway
Reason to comply. Isn't that Robocop?
- Moe Glitz
Well said Steve.
- Rob Underwood
Just go to Mexico or Canada...
- Murray Macdonald
Dr Feelgoods
- Moe Glitz
That's called compassionate use
- Francine Hardaway
Kevin, you and I are reading the same articles:-)
- Francine Hardaway
- Kevin Marks
- Francine Hardaway
Which no one ever reads or understands
- Francine Hardaway
And the presumption of what a doctor does is changing
- Francine Hardaway
FDA snapchats 23andMe (name this GG)
- clive boulton
Well said Kevin
- Ian Waring
I'm vegan, so I'm all bright and happy
- Francine Hardaway
Francine: wine is vegan compliant. :-)
- Robert Scoble
- Francine Hardaway
- Moe Glitz
Why doesn't 23andMe just go offshore?
- Murray Macdonald
beer is too if you don't use fish to filter it
- Kevin Marks
Chromebook Ad on UK TV - nice new Acer :-)
- Ian Waring
Just23andMe - yeah
- clive boulton
Selling your old tricaster?
- Murray Macdonald
Keith, when does your Android app come out?
- Francine Hardaway
Really pleased Steve...
- Ian Waring
Of people talking and people typing?
- Francine Hardaway
I'm available
- Ian Waring
Whats happens in Vegas
- Moe Glitz
Black and Blue Friday!
- Ian Waring
...ends up on social media.
- Murray Macdonald
Great Show, as always
- Moe Glitz
Great show
- Francine Hardaway
Great show.
- Rob Underwood
- Moe Glitz
wonderful everyone. Happy holidays'
- Tina Chase Gillmor