This cruel welfare system is steadily crushing lives – where is the anger? | John Harris | Comment is free | -
"Thanks to the increasingly cruel regime that now applies to benefits – which, we now know, David Cameron wants to make yet crueller – the latter seem to be increasing in number by the week, pushed into their predicament by a system that can summarily ruin lives, but offer only the most sluggish remedies by way of appeal. By and large, they remain invisible, but their fate is starting to intrude on the news media: last week, a man set himself alight outside a Birmingham jobcentre, reportedly thanks to a "dispute over benefit payments", an episode that occurred just as the Guardian was revealing rising concerns about suicides among people faced with so-called benefits "sanctions". For an intimate picture of the misery and anxiety that lies behind all this, have a look at this film by my colleague John Domokos, partly centred on a family reduced to fretting over their last dregs of electricity, and apparently surviving on a diet founded on budget baked beans. The benefits system refuses to understand that one of them is a carer, whose obligations to his ill wife mean that he cannot always make his appointments at the jobcentre." - M F
I'm very angry. - M F
Exactly, many people seem to be happy to dismantle the entire welfare system based on hearsay and anedoctes (you know the legendary woman with a bad back who does not work and gets a free car, free holidays three times a year and she practises pole vaulting in her back garden) and do not realise that they are shooting themselves in the foot. No one can say that they will never be too ill to work. - M F