Gillmor Gang Live Friday 11.14.14 LIVE recording at 9am PT/12pm ET
Where ever you go, there you are ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hey guys, what is the preferred stream link for sharing in social? Is it the Ustream link? - J.C. Bouvier
maybe the TC link - Tina Chase Gillmor
OK, call now. - Robert Scoble
would be best - Tina Chase Gillmor
calling Robert - Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert... failing - Tina Chase Gillmor
I'm calling Newsgang 3 - Robert Scoble
Pono! - Alex de Soto
Do you have that link Tina? - J.C. Bouvier
JC sorry will look for it in a min - Tina Chase Gillmor
No worries, I'll look again for it now... - J.C. Bouvier
Tx Tina. - J.C. Bouvier
yes please tweet. people don't expect us to be recording at 9am ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hello everybody! - Chris Hale
Fer much as I want to keep you guys to myself.... ;) - J.C. Bouvier
JC - yeah small and intimate - Tina Chase Gillmor
Oh @Scoble. I totallly had a show topic i was thinking you and the gang could talk about. I know the gang has talked about mobile payments and contactless payments many times over. I read your post today and really thought id like to hear your perspective on what you feel will be the key to getting acceptance of these technologies so they gain critical mass. - Chris Hale
Can you buy a beacon from Apple? Or how does that work? Third party products only? - J.C. Bouvier
i dont think so. - Chris Hale
JC there are a lot of cool companies that make good kits to get started. Estimote is a good company - Chris Hale
Qualcomm is the maker of Gimball platform beacons I believe - Chris Hale
Thanks Chris. - J.C. Bouvier
there are a few others depending on how much you want to play with and hack em - Chris Hale
Here is a more hacker /open source beacon kits - Chris Hale
Cheers. - J.C. Bouvier
now we're getting to the real shit. The distillery ! - Tina Chase Gillmor
mmm, Jameson. - Laura Norvig
Suddenly I'm very thirsty and it's only 9:30 am... - Zachary Grant
im actually a little hungover this morning. Sangria + tequila shots afterwards make for a not so fantastical combination. - Chris Hale
It's 5 o clock somewhere :-) - Todd Hoff
@KeithTeare. WHen you spend your time talking to startups what are you talking to them about. Are you acting as a advisor or ..... - Chris Hale
I'm a bit late, did they discuss Twitters presentation earlier this week? Saw the write up in the WSJ and was curious what the gang thought - Zachary Grant
some other important tech news this week came out of Amazone ReInvent conference - Chris Hale
Amazon supporting and releasing docker support is pretty huge. They are following Google but it is very cool to see the containerization of pieces of web infrastructure. - Chris Hale
not yet zach - Kevin Marks
Thanks Kevin, looking forward to it if you all discuss it. - Zachary Grant
Twitter Investor Day link: - J.C. Bouvier
Hey friends - Christian Burns
Nice, thanks J.C. - Zachary Grant
hello - Ron Sheridan
Christian Burns... nice to see you - Tina Chase Gillmor
Happy Friday Tina! - Chris Hale
anyone have a link to the Twitter content being discussed? - Ron Sheridan
...and to you Chris Ahle - Tina Chase Gillmor Did they mention how many daily searches are performed on Twitter? - Alex de Soto
thank you - Ron Sheridan
Steve: I'm w/Ben Evans, Mobile is eating the World. - J.C. Bouvier
Because there is too much for people to process - Christian Burns
@Chris Hale - they are generally pitching me to include them as an Archimedes Labs accelerated company. - Keith Teare
oh, no Steve didnt - Chris Hale
Ben Even's presentation was great. - Zachary Grant
Scoble knows how to get Steve's attention - Tina Chase Gillmor
See what Arrington wrote this week, about memory loss - Christian Burns
How about Elon Musk's "We are summoning the demon" statement about AI? - Alex de Soto
You can't F-bomb on the Gang anymore? Fuck. ;) - J.C. Bouvier
Did you guys talk about Amazon Echo yet? - J.C. Bouvier
Scoble said Shit - Christian Burns
Not yet. - Robert Scoble
Christian: do you mean Michael Arrington? - Zachary Grant
I think Scoble's got it. Important stuff to be dealing with. - Evan Prodromou
thanks - Zachary Grant
Not sure why Scoble is censoring himself. Perhaps he's on a no swearing diet - Tina Chase Gillmor
Swear jar? Saving up for the Apple Watch...? - J.C. Bouvier
J.C. ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Christian: thanks for the link - Zachary Grant
Echo may just replace my old Moshi alarm clock. - Alex de Soto
toilette paper light combo. hmm. that's granular - Tina Chase Gillmor
@JC I have a device i bought this last week that is way cooler and way more hackable than the echo - Chris Hale
Its called an Ubi - Chris Hale
Echo will hear the toilet flush - Christian Burns
Why must Scoble get all the cool shit. Please send some cool shit to ME - Tina Chase Gillmor . It has IFTTT integration and i can make it do all sorts of cool stuff. - Chris Hale
will it know when I do number one or number two? - Tina Chase Gillmor
I am able to talk to it and build custom trigger phrases taht do custom stuff. - Chris Hale
is there a friendfeed link that will autoscroll? - Christian Burns
Hey tina , have you ever tried any of the new electronic Bidets? They are epically awesome - Chris Hale
Chris ... no but I want one - Tina Chase Gillmor
I really want this one. - Chris Hale
Tesla already does that. - Christian Burns
They use bidets in Japan and it rocks. Its like a full service carwash for you happy parts. - Chris Hale
Hey did anyone see the new Wemo enabled Mr. Coffee maker - Chris Hale
If Tesla sends Robert a car Im gonna call bullshit on that ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
I can now schedule coffee making from my bed. - Chris Hale
Tesla will charge when the power is cheaper. :) - Christian Burns
Internet controlled coffee maker . - Chris Hale
Love it. It's non invasive just quietly watches - Tina Chase Gillmor
i cant wait to watch the scoble commercial. I've fallen and i cant programmatically get up! Heheh - Chris Hale
The connected pillbox is here now, to monitor aging parents - Christian Burns
if you're in insurance in kansas city why follow me? Clay has a point: - Kevin Marks
I dont want to be on twitter all day beacuse Nuzzel shows me what was important from twitter. - Christian Burns
Im not enjoynig Twitter right now for communicating. News gathering; fine - Tina Chase Gillmor
Thank you. Twitter ain't FB. - Laura Norvig
The challenge of Twitter and other social media is the right balance with notifications. - Alex de Soto
Twitter simply ain't for everyone on Facebook...oh sorry Laura, you already said as much... - J.C. Bouvier
the harrassment and notifcation issue is important too, yes - Kevin Marks
well Keith's probably right about life span - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hey @KeithTeare. What type of earbuds are those. I am shopping for a new set and would love to hear folks opinions on a good set of earbuds. Hopefully want a set that won't break the bank. - Chris Hale
The general public sees hashtags and handles promoted all the time on news shows, entertainment show. And if they are in the right profession, they'll see professional topics from their colleagues as well. - Laura Norvig
right. Always difficult - Tina Chase Gillmor
I already don't see all the stuff I care about....I wish they would add more filters into, let me filter by Klout score and geography... - J.C. Bouvier
this blocking tool is interesting - Kevin Marks
Amen! the DM system in Twitter is not good. Very hard to communicate. - Zachary Grant
Twitter will not be successful with the onboarding problem. - Christian Burns
Not sure if Facebook has less noise or more to relate to easier - Tina Chase Gillmor
I like Twitter! - Tony Stanislawski
For most people instagram, facebook, meet the needs - Christian Burns
Tina: I agree, noise lvls must be managed no matter what app you use. - Zachary Grant
I think Scoble said it best in the past: it takes discipline to manage and organize your contacts and lists. - Zachary Grant
Very much dislike the Twitter emails that say: "Do you know Justin Bieber?" I don't think my social graph says anything that would indicate that I would care about Bieber. - Alex de Soto
Also have you listened to any Sports Talk Radio lately. Twitter is there main source for programming, What would they do without it? - Tony Stanislawski
Alex: can you opt out of those emails? I've never received one. - Zachary Grant
Radio sucks - Christian Burns
I think you can. I have not bothered to check now that it's so easy to dismiss them on iOS. - Alex de Soto
When did freaking huge butts become desirable? Always? did I grow up on a parallel planet? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Gotta run for now. I will catch the end of the show on the recording. TIna and gang, yall have an awesome weekend! @scoble , you are now one of my heroes. Keep fighting the good fight - Chris Hale
Kevin's camera courtesy J.J. Abrahms. - J.C. Bouvier
I have not sold my Twitter stock, it is the only stock I will go down with if it goes down... - Tony Stanislawski
Good insight on Twitter, Kevin. Thanks! - christina sponselli
Cant figure out if Kevin has spots on his camera lens or he just has sun streaming in? - Tina Chase Gillmor
it is sun - Kevin Marks
i think it's sun - Tina Chase Gillmor
alos dust on my screen - Kevin Marks
it's ok Kevin - Tina Chase Gillmor
You have a lot of flare Kevin! - J.C. Bouvier
maybe change the angle slightly - Tina Chase Gillmor
the brolly isn't shading the laptop as i was set up for 1pm not 9am - Kevin Marks
I can move the umbrella - Kevin Marks
@Chris Hale - BlueBuds X - Keith Teare
I like them - Keith Teare
Twitter is also building out advertising. Surveys, promoted posts, etc. - christina sponselli
And Twitter's sales team is +1 over Facebook's sales team. - christina sponselli
If i have 5 min, twitter is much less functional than facebook. if I have 1 hour facebook will offer me much more than twitter. - Christian Burns
there, moved the brolly - Kevin Marks
Kevin solved his sun problem - Tina Chase Gillmor
I use both. The both replaced my Google Reader obsession - Tony Stanislawski
Or the sun moved, or clouds :) - Christian Burns
Facebook provides for a more intimate environment, don't you think? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Messenger does; less sure FB groups do - Kevin Marks
facebook encourages engagement on posts - Christian Burns
I moved the umbrealla christian - Kevin Marks
Twitter's problem is that they cant maintain growth - Christian Burns
facebook stopped growing a few years ago - Kevin Marks
Kevin THAT IS NOT TRUE. - Robert Scoble
The stats show you are completely wrong there. - Robert Scoble
URL pleae - Kevin Marks
ooooh, Kevin and Robert are fighting - Tina Chase Gillmor
If i dont check facebook for 2 days, when I come back it does a great job of bringing me up to date. - Christian Burns
Christian - agreed - Tina Chase Gillmor
Bitcoin stock will do much better than Twitter stock - Christian Burns
RedBull and LinkedIn and GoPro all show me Facebook is growing. Plus they all get 10 times more trafficfrom Facebook than ALL OTHERS COMBINED. Look at the latest stats. They show that Twitter is flat and Facebook is still growing, despite Facebook having far more people on it. - Robert Scoble
Dogecoin stock will even do better than Twitter - Christian Burns
...but... I'm not always happy with what Im allowed to see in my feed. Those decisions aren't always right - Tina Chase Gillmor
Agreed Tina - Christian Burns
bitcoin is more a mutual fund than a stock - Kevin Marks
I do wish that Twitter would not count @user names or URLs in the character count. - Alex de Soto
Agree Kevin, - Christian Burns
Facebook Messenger has everyone. - Christian Burns
Communicating in short tweets does not come natural to a lot of folks. Facebook and Messenger are more natural forms of communication. - Alex de Soto
Not everyone is a celebrity. Most of us are not followed by many. - Christian Burns
not everyone is on messenger - Kevin Marks
Got to run, thanks for letting us interact. - Christian Burns
my messenger is buried as get to it from FB - Jerome Hughes
I get DMs, and hangouts a lot too - Kevin Marks
I have a few people that the only way I can get a hold of them is to DM them on Twitter. - Laura Norvig
I use FB Messenger a lot and like it - Tina Chase Gillmor
chatheads on android is very good part of messenger - Kevin Marks
Laura - It's funny how now we have to go through a long list of tools to get in touch with particular people - Tina Chase Gillmor
I would love your twitter handles in this group....@tonyatmatc - Tony Stanislawski
I know lots of people who don't use FB messenger, too. - Laura Norvig
@LNorvig but I don't tweet much. Need to fix that. - Laura Norvig
rape NOT pleasurable - Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert, has any major nonprofit that works on this issue contacted you to work with them? - Laura Norvig
It's individual. Can't make a blanket statement! - Laura Norvig
Oh dear God FORGET that guy - Tina Chase Gillmor
Kudos to Robert for sharing. Few people could do that effectively. I do wish that the abusers themselves started sharing their OWN guilt and shame, if they feel any. - Alex de Soto
The world is a fucked up place - Tony Stanislawski
It's incredible what Robert has been able to ahare - Tina Chase Gillmor
so pervasive... so deep - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yea @scoble - Tony Stanislawski
Great show guys! - Tony Stanislawski
Powerful stuff guys...#TGIF #fbomb #Jameson #family #thankful - J.C. Bouvier
Technology should be used to make conversations that matter more pervasive and filter out the knobs in the world that just troll and only add to the problem - Tony Stanislawski
hey, Tony… you're nearby! I'm @jromeh and have a list that might be helpful… - Jerome Hughes
I'm also in awe of your share, Robert and it's fantastic what you've allowed/encouraged others to share. - Laura Norvig
Thank you all! Glad I caught the show thanks to Twitter "notifications." ;) - Alex de Soto
Would really like an integrated backchannel so I didn't have to open two windows. - Frank Paynter
Frank - you and everyone else - Tina Chase Gillmor
Thanks Jerome! - Tony Stanislawski
As an aside, is anyone going to David Reed's presentation 12/15 in Palo Alto? - Frank Paynter
Godspeed to all! Have a great weekend. Robert would love to see some footage of the drone stuff today! - Tony Stanislawski
more info Frank? - Kevin Marks
you're welcome, Tony, and thanks to you and everybody for another great show! - Jerome Hughes
Guess I should figure out how to get Friendfeed of Facebook to notify me when program starts...since UStream just told me 30 minutes ago that a Gang will start in an hour - Dale Lature
If im not seeing @SteveGillmor 's announcement on twitter while its in my current twitter viewport and I dont happen to scroll back far enough...I miss it, and thus the whole show.....grrrrrr - Dale Lature