Texan English - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Y'all - Y'all just might need this list, we've got more candidates where those came from. - Greg GuitarBuster
Fixin to - I wonder if Ron Paul, the grandaddy of them all, is fixin to run. - Greg GuitarBuster
multiple modals - very effective when not answering questions (may could, might could, might supposed to, may can, might oughta, might’ve used to, may will, might can, might woulda, had oughta, may should, might should, oughta could, may supposed to, might would, better can, may need to, might better, should oughta. may used to. might had better. used to could, can might. musta coulda, could might, would better) - Greg GuitarBuster
a-prefixing - I knowed they wasn't a-telling the truth. This one is most effective when combined with 'fixin to'. LIke I said, I wonder if Ron Paul is a-fixin to run. - Greg GuitarBuster
Plural verbal -s Rick, Ted, and Louis sends their thanks for your dollars. - Greg GuitarBuster
Existential it - It is nothing more to say - Greg GuitarBuster
liketa - I liketa died. - Greg GuitarBuster
Perfective or completive done - I done told you not to mess up. - Greg GuitarBuster
Use of conditional syntax “I wouldn’t look for’m to show up if I was you”. - Greg GuitarBuster
Evidentiality - Texans also often use “evidential” predicates such as think, reckon, believe, guess, have the feeling, etc. - “You reckon we ought to get help?” - Greg GuitarBuster
other useful phrases for describing our candidates for office. "All hat, no cattle" They make more noise than 3 mules in a tin barn. They must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle. - Greg GuitarBuster
"Y'all" and "fixin' to" were the only Texasims I allowed myself to pick up while living there (but I still use them today). - Jenny H.
"You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle" is used by Groucho Marx, I think in Animal Crackers. - John (bird whisperer)
Thanks, John. Duck Soup. One of my teachers in junior high used to tell us that all the time. - Greg GuitarBuster