February 13, 2013: The School Shooting Pivot Date | Partial Objects - http://partialobjects.com/2012...
"In America, if the word “control” is anywhere near a social policy issue, then to your left will be its unwitting executor: psychiatry. “They already decide financial benefits, criminal responsibility and who gets more time on tests, so why not mandate a psychiatric clearance for gun owners!” Because it’s madness. Of course I’m not opposed to this in theory, because in theory is the only place where it would be conceivably valid or reliable. In practice you will have a guy judge you based on his own prejudices, or his fear of lawsuits, or on the negotiated fee. Why not have a gypsy run some tarot cards? At least when it all goes bad you can blame the cards.     Which is the whole point: the system is designed to fail in specific and predictable ways, because a tragedy that is the result of a failure of the system is much easier to live with than a tragedy that happens for no reason, even though they are equally common and equally dead." - Tudor Bosman
Surely total prohibition is the answer. We need a new Constitutional Amendment to repeal the 2nd Amendment. - Gabe
Alcohol prohibition didn't work, organized crime made millions selling the stuff to willing patrons in speakeasys. What in the hell makes anyone think prohibition for guns will work? It won't because the only people that will have guns ARE THE CRIMINALS! It doesn't matter if the 2nd Amendment is repealed or not. The only people that would effect are law abiding citizens. Go ahead and trust your local police dept. and let me know how well that works for you. - John Blanton
Well, of course alcohol prohibition was a total failure. It was repealed in barely a decade! The federal drug prohibition, on the other hand, has lasted for most of a century. Surely that's not a failure, right? - Gabe