Pot Growers Troubled by Falling Prices | NBC Bay Area -
"It also has implications for efforts to tax what's possibly the state's largest cash crop, because a drop in prices from increased supply might invalidate current estimates of the trade and its value." - bob
So it's true about KFC? - Paul Buchheit
I guess the growers should just fight to criminalize the crop to keep prices high. That, or federal subsidies. - Gabe
I wouldn't be surprised if much of the support for the "war on drugs" is from the drug cartels themselves. They are the only ones who benefit. - Paul Buchheit
How is taking money out of the hands of gangs and drug smugglers a bad thing? Free market FTW! - Mr. Gunn
I like how they turned a KFC into a pot dispenary. It shows they really know their target market. - Gabe