Taming the mean streets: A talk with NYC transportation chief Janette Sadik-Khan | Grist - http://www.grist.org/article...
"... since Janette Sadik-Khan was named commissioner of New York City's DOT back in 2007 ... Sadik-Khan has undertaken a number of kickass initiatives to reconfigure the streets of New York -- giving primacy to people over automobiles for the first time since Robert Moses started running freeways through the city. She's created hundreds of miles of new bike lanes, inaugurated a hugely popular "Summer Streets" event, experimented with innovations in Bus Rapid Transit, and, most dramatically, pedestrianized two of New York's legendary crossroads -- Herald Square and Times Square. All this has caused Sadik-Khan, who came to the job from the engineering firm Parsons Brinckerhoff, to inspire rock-star levels of adoration among fans in the biking and urban-planning community." - Christopher Chung