GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
helloooooooooo - Tina Chase Gillmor
what's up? - Ludwig Ederle
show coming up shortly - Tina Chase Gillmor
Waiting for the famous call! - Robert Scoble
Just sitting her in New Jersey VRing myself in Tahiti... - Tom Guarriello
Hello! - Nir Ben Yona
Just updated my Skype. Hope it doesn't cause troubles. :-) - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble gets a spanking for making any changes to his setup right before a show! And I don't mean the fun kind of spanking so don't get excited - Tina Chase Gillmor
did you do the xml preferences change? - Kevin Marks
Tina: getting spanked reminds me of my childhood. :-) - Robert Scoble
Kevin: can you give me the URL to do that again? - Robert Scoble
Kevin: translation: no, I didn't do that yet. - Robert Scoble
Good evening/morning all. Hope you are all well? - Darren James
Doing great here Darren, nice weather in Half Moon Bay and just got back from Sun Valley. Great week so far. - Robert Scoble
Greetings, earthlings. - Laura Norvig
Lots to talk about, too. What the heck is up with Facebook buying Oculus Rift? - Robert Scoble
Don't spank him, Tina, it only encourages him... - Tom Guarriello
Kevin: do you have that link again? - Robert Scoble
Tom: you know me SOOO well! :-) - Robert Scoble
Hey, Scoble, I'm a shrink, remember? - Tom Guarriello
Office apps on the iPad and birds are chirping. - Alex de Soto
Robert - A week in the life of the Scobleizer must be pretty awesome? Not a bad week here in miserable ol' Ireland in all fairness :-) - Darren James
Man! Robert must have installed a skinny lens or he's doing great with his diet! - Alex de Soto
Funny, that's how I feel about Comcast too. - Laura Norvig
Office for Oculus Rift? - Kevin Marks
Your week is always as good as you allow it to be! I've been to my first SMX this week in Munich, pretty disappointing... But the sun is shining in Germany! - Ludwig Ederle
exactly what I was going to say is "kinda late" - Tina Chase Gillmor
Darren: this week was particularly good in my life. Great times in Sun Valley. - Robert Scoble
I'm coming up to the valley tomorrow thru tuesday.. any good events happening that I should crash? - Jerry Schuman
+1 Kevin - Tom Guarriello
Jerry - darn, Im leaving town tomorrow. Would have loved to see you - Tina Chase Gillmor
damn.. that would have been fun. - Jerry Schuman
Hi Everyone - didn't see the friendfeed "on air now" warning to day :-) - Ian Waring
For those of us stuck with clients and bosses who use Microsoft software, the iPad PowerPoint and Word apps are a lifesaver. - Alex de Soto
Maybe I'll have to head for the Ritz @ Half Moon Bay and crash a Robert party ;-) - Jerry Schuman
Nice pair of Sennheiser Momentum, John ;) - Nir Ben Yona
GoodNotes on the iPad - betya can't do this stuff in Word - - Ian Waring
Office is two years too late for iPad - Moe Glitz
Office, I could give a rats rear end - Jerry Schuman
iPad Mini, Stylus, GoodNotes and @jargonautical at the controls... - Ian Waring
I imagine if you need to use office, you need a keyboard.. then why not use an 11inch macbook air not an ipad - Michael Roberts
I do not have an iPad. - Laura Norvig
Robert: Me, me, and me :) - Nir Ben Yona
Azure boot camp tomorrow in Redmond, friend is spending all day installing, very painful - clive boulton
I haven't even charged the iPad - Kevin Marks
I have both iPad and a regular Microsoft Office installed on my laptop. I find it great, although I do use Google Docs from time to time for basic tasks. - Nir Ben Yona
Enterprise Agreement Customers will eat it, few in-app purchases with Apple taking their 30% - Ian Waring
i am totally reliant on my iPad - Tina Chase Gillmor
agree with Danny about MS trying to get folks into their cloud - Tina Chase Gillmor
GCP is more my fit. Don't to install buckets of crap on laptop. - clive boulton
I keep my OneDrive folder inside of a DropBox folder. - Alex de Soto
Nadella looks like he's following a Services strategy. Wonder if he'll keep Devices... - Ian Waring
I love the large Google advertisement wall behind Danny - Jerry Schuman
BTW, you can get the Office for iPad subscription for free in the next 3 days, if you can physically arrive to one of Microsoft's retail stores. - Nir Ben Yona
Box is going to IOP - Tina Chase Gillmor
I think there are still a lot of people outside our bubble. People using whatever machine they have forever or get at work, which are probably rather not iPads. And the young folks grow up with google services on apple machines. - Ludwig Ederle
To be relevant today,Microsoft should just buy Dropbox - Moe Glitz
Box have shocking losses... - Ian Waring
Where is your iPad today, Mr. Gillmor? Did you send it in to get office installed? - Ludwig Ederle
Heard a OneDrive ad on Spotify yesterday, didn't mention Microsoft once...thought that was very consumers see MSFT as a damaged brand? - J.C. Bouvier
Microsoft should just give up... 10 years from now and they will be the next RIMM - Jerry Schuman
Its too bad Microsoft didn't try something new on the IPAD. They could go back the days of being a great software company, and blow us away with something we didn't expect. - Michael Roberts
Microsoft agreeing Android/Chrome Royalties with Dell - US ANtitrust authorities still asleep - Ian Waring
Or is it perhaps more interesting that MSFT marketing both thought it appropriate and MGMT agreed? - J.C. Bouvier
And Apple gets 30% of in app purchases (365 subscriptions). - Alex de Soto
Microsoft also now giving away all their dev tools for free to any student. - Ian Waring
Whats peoples thoughts on Cisco joining the "Cloud" bandwagon? Discuss later maybe? - Darren James
Satya Nadella is ready to scrap the Windows tax. - clive boulton
Wow, that has to be the first Druid reference ever on GG - Jerry Schuman
Curious to hear about what the Gang thinks about Nadella's performance thus far. - Alex de Soto
Two common formats!!! - Ian Waring
hrm. Do Google Spreadsheets do VLOOKUP? Cuz I need that one a lot. - Laura Norvig
OneDrive site is VERY light on MSFT branding - - J.C. Bouvier
Big Blobs of Binary Cruft...nice ring to it! - Tom Guarriello
UK Govt consultation out - trying to forcer ODF strict - Ian Waring
Kevin wins for the show title - Jerry Schuman
Cisco is betting big on the Internet of Things - Moe Glitz
Microsofts two ODFs design to pollute the customer base - Ian Waring
this week on GG --> "Big Blobs of Binary Cruft" - Jerry Schuman
What MS really needs to do is to kill Publisher. The bane of my existence. - Alex de Soto
UK Govt also says "use html, json and csv" - Kevin Marks
Google Docs now has free add ons for approvals etc - Ian Waring
the days of monolithic apps is over - Jerry Schuman
MS gave us all enough time to get very comfortable with Google docs - Tina Chase Gillmor
A major kudo for Microsoft is they have managed to get the Gillmor Gang talking about Microsoft Office again. ;) - Michael Roberts
Moe - IOE is really interesting but will rely heavily on IPV6 implementation - Darren James
Michael: yes, that's a start. - Robert Scoble
@danny, is that, the spreadsheet doc, an editorial calendar? - J.C. Bouvier
Using Google Fusion Tables this week - really nice Analytics, integrated into Drive, free - Ian Waring
Office is for the legacy businesses who are locked into their long investment - Arnie Klaus
I use spreadsheets in google docs until it gets big enough to be worth doing in code - Kevin Marks
Google loves copying. Anyone remember their eBay killer, Googlebase - Moe Glitz
Someone asked Siri where the missing plane was. Found it, but served the answer in Apple Maps... - Ian Waring
whoa that was weird. Don't even know what happened - Tina Chase Gillmor
lol, like Microsoft doesn't copy (oops I meant steal) ideas - Jerry Schuman
Is Robert in a Microsoft coma - Moe Glitz
google base wasn't an ebay killer, it was a way to get spammers to give them data directly without crawling - Kevin Marks
I sit on a school board and a PTA in Brooklyn. Everyone is shifting to Google Docs, lead by parents. - Rob Underwood
Google Base was a way of feeding a product catalogue into Googles index - Ian Waring
In developing countries people would push open office, but a lot of people wanted to learn Microsoft Office because that's what they needed to know to get a job. Most people under 30 I find use Google docs and work virtually etc. The skill they need is knowing how to use Google Docs. - Michael Roberts
Moe - I think so - Tina Chase Gillmor
When Googlebase was launched, the eBay killer tag was mentioned. - Moe Glitz
MSFT seemed to be pitching their Cloud mostly to paranoid enterprise IT professionals – "the heroes," as Nadella said during the press conference. - Alex de Soto
journalists always try and frame any product as an X killer - Kevin Marks
Anyone mentioned Facebook taking over Oculus? One commentator thinks they want to be the next media mogul... - Ian Waring
#slack is great - Jerry Schuman
In Microsoft's future: The Officeless Rift - Kevin Costain
#slack is S. Butterfields new messaging platform - Jerry Schuman
Seeing lots of MS activity in developers this week, and how their devs are helping society here :-) - Ian Waring
Bait 'n switch, Steve... - Tom Guarriello
Students now getting Visual Studio and dev tools for free - Ian Waring
VR is anti-social - Moe Glitz
It is a good signal that Microsoft is acknowledging reality. It also signals surface is in trouble. - Michael Roberts
eclipse and gcc have always been free - Kevin Marks
Ok What about the Oculus purchase by Facebook? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Jerry: thanks, my brain is in lock. :-) - Robert Scoble
Ian - Yea, not that i use them but i get all that free via Dreamspark as well as server 08, 12, SQL and so on - Darren James
Ready to hear the GG reaction to Oculus, Tina - Tom Guarriello
Oculus have hired Michael Abreash away from Valve - Ian Waring
The endgame: No one knows what version of Office exists, which link is the "tablet" version, how it should be licensed, or whether it supports your needs. Classic Microsoft. - Kevin Costain
Zuckerberg is following the Google X Blueprint - Moe Glitz
Bingo, Steve... - Tom Guarriello
For creatives, Adobe moved us to the Creative Cloud nicely. - Alex de Soto
Still scratching my head over the future that Zuckerberg sees now... other than wanting everyones eyeballs. - Ian Waring
Microsoft connection model is very partner driven (who need to learn new ways of intervening) - clive boulton
Are SkyDrive and OneDrive two different things still? Oy vey... - J.C. Bouvier
One and the same J.C. - Alex de Soto
Thanks. - J.C. Bouvier
If you guys can't figure it out...imagine... - Tom Guarriello
So bad, so so bad... - J.C. Bouvier
I need to reposition Steve's camera. He wanted it in the middle of the monitors but he won't actually look at it - Tina Chase Gillmor
I used to be in an MS LAR. A ton of existing EAs and SELECT agreements in large cos with a base of MS documents - Ian Waring
Danny has a Google Clock. We have a Gillmor Gang clock - Tina Chase Gillmor
Danny has the cool Googlestore skateboards - clive boulton
Enterprise Agreements are virtually all client sw you can eat for £100 ($140) per head - Ian Waring
So true. The one thing that Microsoft and Google have in common is that they create so many over lapping and confusing brands - Moe Glitz
Worse than trying to navigate the GoDaddy admin screen... - J.C. Bouvier
Excel is around 15 different use cases - build your own app - Ian Waring
Wait, does Danny have a tattoo on his wrist? - Tina Chase Gillmor
beyond Satya or beyond satire? - Kevin Marks
The emotional reaction to the brand is Microsoft's uber problem - Tom Guarriello
Yes he does, Tina - Tom Guarriello
never saw that before - Tina Chase Gillmor
... while they are still playing playground bully with Android royalties, still fund many 3rd party shills - Ian Waring
I think Steve needs a tattoo. He's lost some street creed since he stopped wearing his earring - Tina Chase Gillmor
What Microsoft should do is innovate the spreadsheet and office model for ipad.. into some completely new.. They have deep enough pockets to take some risks. - Michael Roberts
Where does SEO fit inside Google Now or Siri, Danny - Moe Glitz
Buy GoodNotes - Ian Waring
Steve with a full sleeve... that would do the trick - Jerry Schuman
Roku Streaming Stick? - Alex de Soto
Bar bill at SXSW - Ian Waring
I'd rather buy an Office retail package and pay once over the annual 365 subscription. - Nir Ben Yona
I don't use powerpoint - Kevin Marks
I use HTML - Kevin Marks - Kevin Marks
$5 for GoodNotes, $5 for a stylus, and away: - Ian Waring
AMEN, Mr. Scoble. I never want to go back either. The old world is the past. - Rob Underwood
Microsoft should innovate the partner ecosystem to distribute Office and Cloud to SMBs, schools, mentors, Fortune corps - clive boulton
Just created my account on Findery. Making my giant list of HubSpot/Salesforce questions, issues, and To Dos. This week's show is good for multi-tasking ... - Laura Norvig
Round One - Moe Glitz
I still do presentations in places where they still have to load my PowerPoint presentations into their projection systems before I can show them. Can't just walk in with my iPad and plug in like I normally do. - Alex de Soto
Alex: I have spoken 50 times in past year and never had that problem - Robert Scoble
Robert: You're lucky that you travel in cool circles. - Alex de Soto
@Danny it's SO bad...WTF did they come up w/that $79.99 for 4 years? And you can't print from the iOS app? - J.C. Bouvier
We spend more time at Deloitte (Consulting, Strategy group) working on making PowerPoint pretty than thinking about our clients' business problems. Had we used any of the alternatives Robert S just laid out we'd not have wasted all that time. But no one wanted to put down the PowerPoint crack pipe. - Rob Underwood
Microsoft has always been about complicated in order to keep techies employed. - Arnie Klaus
I feel your pain Rob! - Alex de Soto
How many companies in Silicon Valley use Office? - Tom Guarriello
Tom: many do. - Robert Scoble
I used Prezi once and the folks in the audience claimed they got dizzy! ;) - Alex de Soto
Amazing, Robert - Tom Guarriello
Someone is NOT watching the Gillmor Gang? What?! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Oculus! - Arnie Klaus
Yay! - Ian Waring
Alex: you can do Prezi badly. - Robert Scoble
Seconded - Ian Waring
What is the future that Zuckerberg sees? - Ian Waring
Don't get me wrong, I love Prezi! - Alex de Soto
Every time I hear "Oculus" I am certain they are referring to a Phish song. - Rob Underwood
Zuck buying drones and a VR headset... he's going for world domination via a drone army - Jerry Schuman
Onavo :) - Nir Ben Yona
Media Mogul 2050? - Ian Waring
Its running! - Arnie Klaus
Games is normally eyeballs of teenage to early 20's... - Ian Waring
Mining leaders from Valve! - Arnie Klaus
Face :) - Nir Ben Yona
Scobleizer nailed MS, folks don't care becuz bosses give you tools to use. - clive boulton
Vint Cerf is mostly on planes - Kevin Marks
Yes on the helmet, its for the oxygen masks we will all need. - Arnie Klaus
Now I can't get the image of everyone on Gillmor Gang dressed in jorts. - Rob Underwood
Skynet - Alex de Soto
Zuckerberg has got his head in the clouds - Moe Glitz awesome sauce for #IoT - Jerry Schuman
FacebookX - clive boulton
Meta's augmented reality looks awesome. Robert done a good interview with them recently which is on his Youtube channel.... - Darren James
And Facebook also hired some cool NASA guys. - Nir Ben Yona
Darren: Meta is cool but there is a LOT of execution risk. - Robert Scoble
actually Robert needs to go see Chris Matthieu about - Jerry Schuman
What do young people think about Oculus Rift? - Tom Guarriello
Steve, aren't the girls playing minecraft like mine are? - Arnie Klaus
Oculus itself might be more than just VR glasses in the future.. its a sensor driven company.. its get FB into sensors and in 5 years that might be important for FB - Michael Roberts
We're opening up the world to embed computers in our surroundings. Now Zuckerberg wants to plant it in our faces? - Ian Waring
Arnie - yes, on th Minecraft - Tina Chase Gillmor
Notch of Minecraft walked away from Oculus... - Ian Waring
They are the market for VR - Arnie Klaus
Zuckerberg has 28% of stock but 100% of the control - Ian Waring
At least we're not going to get an Microsoft Oculus Office Suite. Or are we? - Alex de Soto
The social power of Mindcraft demonstrates the market for Facebook VR - Arnie Klaus
Cheap Gyros - Arnie Klaus
I think this is another trojan horse, he wants to bring social media into another world, specifically gaming virtual worlds. - Simon Benvenutto
Notch dropped Minecraft for the Oculus Rift, despite his original $10,000 Kickstarter donation - Ian Waring
Alex: you might get it, but don't worry Microsoft will be the last one to do it. - Michael Roberts
Linden Labs redux? - Ian Waring
Is Second Life still around? - Alex de Soto
Gaming is a kids to 20 year old demographic - Ian Waring
yes - Kevin Marks
nope ian - Kevin Marks
that's a myth - Kevin Marks
Billboard - Nir Ben Yona
That's the demographic when I was at an ISP and mapped all the heavy users - 16-20 years olds without parental supervisions - Ian Waring
My kids who were Nintendo/XBox youths, now 30+, never game - Ian Waring
What about the FB drone story? Seems lots of companies seem to be thinking of beaming internet.. a bit of a redux of satelife low orbit Internet - Michael Roberts
Microsoft permanently owns the Last Screen - Moe Glitz
Yup, Second Life is still around, but really has been demoted by Minecraft - Robert Scoble
The kids will be early adopters to a multi app VR - Arnie Klaus
Hello Kitty Goggles - Arnie Klaus
Both Eyeball magnets - Ian Waring
No, "creepy" wasn't what FB was looking for from Notch - Tom Guarriello
Breath Steve, let Tina sort it out!! - Darren James
IBM were pushing Second Life at one stage - Ian Waring
hugely, yes - Kevin Marks
geeeeeez. Something weird when I try to put the titles on. will figure out show is over. - Tina Chase Gillmor
sorry everyone - Tina Chase Gillmor
you're doin' great, Tina! - Tom Guarriello
salesforce1 moving enterprise beyond web 2.0 from inference to intention with apps (how the heck did MS miss this) - clive boulton
Tina: You need to get a theremin to play spooky music in the background when those glitches happen. - Alex de Soto
Many businesses still worried about data off premise - Ian Waring
the video is so sharp it's spooky. in a good way. - Laura Norvig
you don't have a hard drive in your iPad ;-) - Jerry Schuman
Alex - seriously. a sound effect would help - Tina Chase Gillmor
Cant edit until pay... - Ian Waring
Not exactly, Danny. They say they have a free version, which, of course, is view only. - Tom Guarriello
it's a tarpit business model - Kevin Marks
once you touch office you have to keep paying them or you can't see your documents - Kevin Marks
Hey - my Internet came back! And of course cut off my cellular connection in the middle of Skype - John Taschek
nodding tina - Kevin Marks
Great show guys. Thanks. - Darren James
Nir - how could possibly recognize my headphones. - John Taschek
Have a great weekend guys... - J.C. Bouvier
John, I have a lot of headphones, including the Sennheiser Momentum :) - Nir Ben Yona
The Real Housewives of Silicon Valley? - Jerry Schuman
Some good stuff on Oculus/FB - Ian Waring
Thanks all. Happy weekend! - Alex de Soto
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills occupying my wife right now - Ian Waring
You all need a Gangster Nickname - Moe Glitz
You can take the kid out of Brooklyn, but can Satya take the Windows out of MS - clive boulton
LOL - Nir Ben Yona
Lesson learned is no one should leave Brooklyn. - Rob Underwood
Thanks everyone. Au Revoir :-) - Ian Waring
Take it easy guys. Speak again next week! Stay safe.... - Darren James
thanks for the show. - Michael Roberts
I have a few Sennheisers -- I have some open air for music creation. Some Audio Technica. I think these are the most comfortable. - John Taschek
John: Go check out the NAD HP50, you're gonna love them. - Nir Ben Yona
Huh, I can't believe I was too caught up in my work to notice when y'all were talking about Minecraft. My son is an addict. He keeps saying he made me a maze that he wants me to do, so I guess I'll be learning it. - Laura Norvig