xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe - http://xkcd.com/457/
http://xkcdsucks.blogspot.com/2008...: "It took me a long time to get the joke here, believe it or not. I sort of saw the joke - but it felt wrong, like I was looking at it in a mirror or underwater or something. It didn't make me laugh, and I suspect most people would be hard pressed to say what the joke actually is - is it a comment on the difficulty of bra un-hookings? Is it an idea for a devilish, nerd-friendly product? Is it a nerdy fantasy, "if only I could understand women by going online and reading some tutorials! Tutorials with Java!"" - ⓞnor
"I think he should have taken an actual physical puzzle - something like one of these bad dudes: [pic] That would have been a much closer analogy and made a bit more sense. I mean, those puzzles are supposed to come apart in the end - even when you solve a rubik's cube you are left with the cube in one piece, and so it's not going to help you when you are getting laid. It's just going to be uncomfortable." - ⓞnor
Wow. Never heard of the xkcdsucks blog. That's hilarious. - Brian Johns