Meaning ] Behavior ]] Values in Action Inventory of Strengths - -
pstp psy phil hap { [Wisdom and Knowledge: creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, perspective ][Courage: bravery, persistence, integrity, zest ] [ Love and Humanity: love, kindness, social intelligence ] [ Justice: citizenship, fairness, leadership ] [Temperance: forgiveness and mercy, humility, prudence, self control ] [ Spirituality and Transcendence: appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, spirituality ] } - Thomas Page
Character Strengths and Virtues "List from the book The organization of these virtues and strengths in the book is as follows.[1] Wisdom and Knowledge (strengths that involve the acquisition and use of knowledge) creativity (personified for example by Albert Einstein) curiosity (personified for example by John C. Lilly) open-mindedness (personified for example by William James) love of learning (personified for example by Benjamin Franklin) perspective and wisdom (personified for example by Ann Landers): the coordination of "knowledge and experience" and "its deliberate use to improve wellbeing."[4] Many, but not all, studies find that adults' self-ratings of perspective/wisdom do not depend on age.[5] This stands in contrast to the popular notion that wisdom increases with age.[5] Courage (strengths that allow one to accomplish goals in the face of opposition) bravery (personified for example by Ernest Shackleton) persistence (personified for example by John D. Rockefeller) integrity (personified for example by Sojourner Truth) vitality (personified for example by the Dalai Lama) Humanity (strengths of tending and befriending others) love (personified for example by Romeo and Juliet) kindness (personified for example by Cicely Saunders) social intelligence (personified for example by Robert Kennedy) Justice (strengths that build healthy community) active citizenship / social responsibility / loyalty / teamwork (personified for example by Sam Nzima) fairness (personified for example by Mohandas Gandhi) leadership Temperance (strengths that protect against excess) forgiveness and mercy (personified for example by Pope John Paul II) humility and modesty (personified for example by Bill W., co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous) prudence (personified for example by Fred Soper) self-regulation and self control (personified for example by Jerry Rice) Transcendence (strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning) appreciation of beauty and appreciation of excellence (personified for example by Walt Whitman) gratitude (personified for example by G. K. Chesterton) hope (personified for example by Martin Luther King, Jr.) humor and playfulness (personified for example by Mark Twain) spirituality (personified for example by Albert Schweitzer)" - Thomas Page
10 -23 Mustering the Virtues [ Mustering up the courage to ... - Thomas Page
The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions suggests that positive emotions (viz. enjoyment/happiness/joy, and perhaps interest/anticipation) broaden one's awareness and encourage novel, varied, and exploratory thoughts and actions. ~ This is in contrast to negative emotions, which prompt narrow, immediate survival-oriented behaviors. For example, the negative emotion of anxiety leads to the specific fight-or-flight response for immediate survival. On the other hand, positive emotions do not have any immediate survival value, because they take one's mind off immediate needs and stressors. However, over time, the skills and resources built by broadened behavior enhance survival. - Thomas Page
Negative Emotion Behavior ] Disgust#Neural_basis , Hate [[[[[[ sort ([[{{{{ Extremists ... moral compass , truth , magnetic north ambiguity , navigation problems - getting lost ... [[[[[[ 10 -13 inhumanity , roots to the vines - grapes of wrath ... - Thomas Page