NY Governor Paterson to Discuss Relocating Muslim Center - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/reuters...
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor David Paterson plans to discuss relocating a proposed Muslim cultural center and mosque to a less emotional location farther from New York City's "Ground Zero" site of the September 11 attacks. "We are working with the developers," Paterson's spokeswoman Maggie McKeon said. "There have not been any formal discussions between the governor, the Imam or the developer. However, we expect to have a meeting scheduled in the near future."" - Christopher Chung
There was a blog post that suggested government subsidies for a relocated Cordoba center would be a terrible precedent and unconstitutional besides... http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archive... - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
With an astute political operator like Paterson on the case, what could possibly go wrong? - John (bird whisperer)
uh... what? - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
*heavy sigh* And if "success" came of the discussions, what kind of precedent would that set??? - Prosey BUTTONS!