Chipotle Grilled Chicken with Avocado Sandwich Recipe | Simply Recipes -
We are a family of non-grillers. While other Americans are happily firing away during the hot summer, filling up their neighborhoods with juicy aromas, we tend to stay inside and think of what we can make for dinner that doesn't use the stove or oven. The problem is that Sacramento summers start early and go on forever, and cold food just gets tiring after a month or two. Which is why I brought home a grill a few weeks ago. Today's grill experiment was this chipotle grilled chicken with Monterey Jack cheese and avocados on hamburger buns. I loved it, as did my guinea pig recipe testers Molly and David. By the way, I know there are probably some mayo haters out there. I tried it without mayo, and it was too dry. If you don't like mayo, then mash up the avocados into a guacamole. You need the creaminess of either the avocado or the mayo to balance the spiciness of the chile and the roughness of the grilled bun. - Bonnie Foster