Does anyone really understand "modern art" it not the easy way out ?
You don't have to understand modern art, just react to it - Johnny
Why react to no skill stuff ? - Michael Parsons
If your reaction to a piece is 'that's just crap. No skill involved'... That's a reaction. Art is subjective. You can choose what is art in your mind but not always for others. - Johnny
Like religion ..Is it not just hype? - Michael Parsons
Everything is hype. The reason classical art is held in high esteem is because someone hyped it up to be. Everything from Shakespeare to Justin Bieber is hype... Still... if I think a song or piece is crap, it's crap to me. - Johnny
I really am trying to understand the modern art thing..but all the past master figurative painters would have been astounded if they could see what painters like Richard Schmid and Ken Howard are doing now. - Michael Parsons