Corporatocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
Woke up from a dream. Corporate overlords by hook or by crook we will ( control (motive?) ) personal finance , home economics , communities mutual isms, municipal utilitarianism, county admin interface, state commerce , ( federal , national , ) (continental , world , treaty ism ). riffing 10 -26 Crook , 5 -19 sort Crozier Hedge Fences Shepard , 7 -25 Watching the Flock 11 -25 sort - Thomas Page
Extremism in the defense of Corporatocracy is no virtue . Moderation in the pursuit of Social Justice is Vice. , 12 -16 [ 12 -2 Does the bear shit in the woods? Is the Pope Catholic? - Thomas Page
Turn the dial to 11? analytics of ... , 7 -30 ~ in inverted totalitarianism, corporations through political contributions and lobbying, dominate the United States, with the government acting as the servant of large corporations. This is considered "normal" rather than corruption ~ inverted totalitarianism aims for the mass of the population to be in a persistent state of political apathy. The only type of political activity expected or desired from the citizenry is voting. Low electoral turnouts are favorably received as an indication that the bulk of the population has given up hope that the government will ever help them ~ , - Thomas Page
Boeing Culture change ... ? - Thomas Page
12 - 4 [ ~ 31st floor gold plated door ~ - Thomas Page
big corporation get 2 senators and per capita represtentatives , smaller corps also 2 senators ? rif - Thomas Page [ the normative structure of values, customs and meanings that exist in any culture [ Folkways -Mores Categories: Conformity Consensus reality Morality Sociological terminology Social agreement 11 -17 [[[[ 11 -28 Work Ways: “Work ethics and work experiences; attitudes toward work and the nature of work.” Time Ways: “ Attitudes toward the use of time, customary methods of time keeping, and the conventional rhythms of life.” Wealth Ways: “ Attitudes towards wealth and patterns of its distribution.” Rank Ways: “The rules by which rank is assigned, the roles which rank entails, and the relations between different ranks.” Social Ways: “Conventional patterns of migration, settlement, association and affiliation.” Order Ways: “Ideas of order, ordering institutions, forms of disorder, and treatment of the disorderly.” Power Ways: “Attitudes toward authority and power; patterns of political participation.” Freedom Ways: “Prevailing ideas of liberty and restraint, and libertarian customs and institutions.” - Thomas Page
2 -15 sort Hudson_Institute - Thomas Page
Golden Fleece [ Wealth in Energy? [[ Controlling the Food Supply , Who What Where ,how , how much ? [[[ Food Water Energy Nexuses ? [[[[ Wichita Vortex ? Villains Patterns Superheroes ... 6 -14 media conduit Barons ... ? - Thomas Page
3 -12 Civil_Disobedience_(Thoreau) Resistance is Futile... Rebels without a Clue ... Patriotic Scoundrels ... - Thomas Page
ttbook Life Inc: How Corporatism Conquered the World, and How We Can Take It Back by Douglas Rushkoff Link: [ Now includes “The Life Inc. Guide to Reclaiming the Value You Create” In Life Inc, award-winning writer Douglas Rushkoff traces how corporations went from being convenient legal fictions to being the dominant fact of contemporary life. The resulting ideology, corporatism, has infiltrated all aspects of civics, commerce, and culture—from the founding of the first chartered monopoly to the branding of the self, from the invention of central currency to the privatization of banking, from the Victorian Great Exhibition to the solipsism of Facebook. Life Inc explains why we see our homes as investments rather than places to live, our 401(k) plans as the ultimate measure of success, and the Internet as just another place to do business. Most important, Rushkoff illuminates both how we’ve become disconnected from our world and how we can reconnect to our towns, to the value we can create, and, mostly, to one another. As the speculative economy collapses under its own weight, Life Inc shows us how to build a real and human-scaled society to take its place. - Thomas Page